Our Retarded Nations


A bit of Australian news which also reflects on the state of most of the Western world at this time. Former prime minister and current Australian ambassador to the USA, Kevin Rudd, has found himself in a bit of hot water since the US election due to his habit of tweeting out what he thinks of Donald Trump.

Mr Rudd called Mr Trump “the most destructive president in history”, a “political liability”, a “problem to the world”, “traitor to the West”, and “village idiot” — which he made before he was appointed Australia’s ambassador in 2023.

After Mr Trump’s stunning election victory last week, Mr Rudd quietly deleted a number of negative commentary about the 78-year-old President-elect and then posted a congratulations message to the Republican ticket.

Trump has in the past described Rudd as not being the brightest bulb in the room. Keep in mind that this man was prime minister of Australia. He is the caliber of the politicians that presently are doing their very best to steer Australian onto the rocks of ruin.

We know that our present politicians are just as dim witted and clueless as Kevin Rudd because they appointed him to be US ambassador in 2023 after he publicly made such remarks about Trump. They no doubt imagined that Trump would never triumph over his enemies and that things would always stay the same, ie on their right side of history.

They assume these things because they are stupid; because they are short sighted; because they live in a comfortable social bubble of their own design; because they cannot imagine that anyone with contrary opinions to them might ever emerge to challenge their hubris. In short, these fatuous midwits have been lording it over Australians for generations and have reduced the nation to its present state of incoherence and misery.

Now Kevin Rudd stands naked before the world, blinking in the high beam headlights like the drooling simpleton that he is; unable to quite understand just how such a terrible fate has befallen him. I sincerely hope that Trump allows him to remain as ambassador so as to prolong his misery and humiliation. And by doing so to humiliate Australia, day after day, as our ambassadorial retard is kept on the hook just enough for him to remain, but given no leeway so as to succeed. Punish those who so arrogantly appointed him.

Kevin Rudd is the public servant for our times. He is the best mouth breathing representative of the criminally insane whom we have allowed to destroy our nations. His only qualification for becoming an elected politician, let alone prime minister, was that he had somehow managed to master some Chinese jibber-jabber, a talent which he did his best to use in his every waking moment.

Make no mistake, the halls of our parliaments and the corridors of our government institutions are packed full to the brim with people who make Kevin Rudd look like a potential candidate for Elon Musk’s mission to Mars. And it’s not just Australia, but almost every Western nation. Look at this short video of the current state of the Canadian military:

That’s the level to which we have been reduced. And the bottom is still a long way down. That our retarded nations are somehow still standing is thanks to what our ancestors built, as opposed to what the Kevin Rudds of the world have somehow not yet managed to destroy.

Originally published at Pushing Rubber Downhill on 15/11/2024. You can purchase Adam’s books here.