Laughing the woke utopia to death


It’s been quite delightful watching the wokelings lose their minds after the Orange Bad Man got up again.

They’re shaving their heads and swearing they’ll become celibate now for life. We’ve made them into nuns.


Zionist-backed content creators like Ben Shapiro, Matt Walsh, Avi Yemeni and Rita Panahi are making bank while the libtard tears flow. If you’re plugged into the alternative media ecosystem, and if you’re reading this then you probably are, I’m sure you’re familiar with the stream of videos trolling and owning those cRaZy LibTaRdS.

The quality of the memes has sure improved since we went through this last time eight years ago.


While laughing at the loony lefties is fun, it doesn’t help us get to the root cause of what we’re seeing. This is a profound social phenomenon, and it would be helpful if we reasonable people still plugged into reality could better understand what this Trump Derangement Syndrome is actually about.

The social division and alienation we’re encountering are ludicrous at this point. I’ve either seen or heard first-hand of half a dozen meltdowns by mentally unstable females in response to Trump’s win.

What’s going on with these people?

They’re grieving. Hence the silly head-shaving and wailing, a classic female grief ritual.

They’re mourning the end of the world. This looks hysterical and unhinged to us, and it is, but we need to understand that, for these people, those things are really happening.

Cultural Marxism is a religion. It’s a cult. It was cooked up by the Frankfurt School intellectuals and adjacent neo-Marxist theorists in the early part of the 20th century, and then spread via our education system after cultural Marxist radicals seized power over the campuses from 1968 onwards.

Religions provide existential hope to their believers. They provide an explanation and motivation for being. Having to face that your gods are powerless to protect you from what you fear triggers a profound psychological catastrophe.

Reality has arrived for the wokelings, and it hurts.

After spending the better part of 20 years trying to understand ideological utopianism, I’ve reached the point where I think the appeal of cultural Marxism in the West after the 1960s had to do with processing the trauma of World War II.

The trauma and horror of the Second World War became emblematised over time in the imagery of the Holocaust. The Holocaust has so colonised our cultural memory of World War II that most young people today have no idea that over a hundred million people died across Eurasia in that conflict. It’s all about the Holocaust, and a bit about Hiroshima.

The word holocaust comes from a Greek root which means ‘burnt offering’. It was first coined in the Greek Septuagint translation of the Hebrew Old Testament to refer to an offering sacrificed and burnt whole on the altar.

It’s a religious word. I think it should more correctly refer to the millions of people burned in their homes during wartime bombing campaigns, and our suppressed collective guilt about those actions might explain the cultural power of the term in the West. But I digress.

Back to the cultural Marxist utopia cult.

The people we today call wokelings became more and more emotionally involved over time in a political cult that told them several things, all of them false.

First, all of the problems of history can be understood as a result of bigotry and dogmatism, particularly by white people and most particularly by Christian white men.

Second, the problems of today derive from that heritage of bigotry, persecution and hate. Everywhere around the world, it is powerful men, and most particularly powerful white men, who are preventing humanity from living in a Kumbaya utopia of diversity, peace, love and social justice.

Third, the most moral course of action therefore for any decent person is to do whatever possible to overthrow white cultures, institutions and traditions and replace those with a pastiche of cultures and religions from around the world. This, of course, necessitates the genocide of whites via demographic transformation in every formerly white country.

These are the three pillars of cultural Marxism—the three noble truths of wokeness. Anyone who advances this religious agenda is good. Anyone who opposes it is literally Hitler.

The education system, media and entertainment industry have all been hijacked and directed to spread this utopian cult.

These loony libtards watched Star Wars and internalised the worldview that racially diverse freedom fighters committing terrorist acts must be good while white guys trying to make the space shuttles run on time are Hitler in space.

They listened to Michael Jackson and recited the mantra that it don’t matter if you’re black or white, just that you create a better world for the children by eradicating whiteness.

They watched Wakanda and thought all the problems of international relations would be solved if white people would just be overthrown and genocided already.

They dressed their children up for diversity day at school to remind them that non-white countries have beautiful and special cultures but white people are just bogans that we celebrate replacing.

It’s been a relentless barrage of utopian mind-control programming in our societies for decades. The result is an ideologically-sorted ruling caste of incompetent, psychologically fragile woke warriors who have a nervous breakdown when their team loses an election.


Those looooooony libtards.

World War II finished 79 years ago. Very few alive now remember it. The immediate trauma and guilt have passed. I think this may be one of the reasons that the potency of cultural Marxism is dying out. Young whites look around their towns and suburbs and they don’t see the evils of patriarchy, white privilege and heteronormativity. They see the social detritus of a failed revolutionary campaign against reality by entitled brats with daddy issues.

We are also seeing the racial animosity built into cultural Marxism coming out into the open. When Barack Obama campaigned to become president 16 years ago, he had to act as white and sensible as possible in order to camouflage his toxic resentment of his white ancestors.

Nowadays, the hatred is on open display.


Once were warriors, now spoilt children.

The woke establishment is not overthrown, and we can expect a wave of tyranny and suppression as their religion dies and they seek to hold onto power. Regardless, it won’t be too long before cultural Marxism is dead for good.

The Jewish elites who have long funded and supported cultural Marxist movements are also becoming disillusioned by what they perceive as anti-Semitism from wokelings who associate Israel with whiteness. They’re flipping to right-wing Zionism.

When religions die, so do lots of people. Big Sister is a bitch—a deity of destruction, chaos and disorder.

She’ll do as much damage as she can on the way down.

Originally published at Ponerologist. You can buy David Hilton’s book here.