How to keep the faith when the UFOs show up


Another week, another UFO story by the establishment media. This week was no different.

This time, a retired Pentagon official has stated that ‘UFO mother ships’ released swarms of drones over 17 days last December. It’s all over the news.

This didn’t happen over a random cornfield in Iowa, either. The drones buzzed Langley Air Force base in Virginia, moving rapidly with coloured flashing lights.

According to Chris Mellon, a senior ex-Pentagon intelligence (are you ever ‘ex-Pentagon intelligence’?) official, the most recent episode was part of a larger pattern affecting numerous US national security installations.

Similar events have happened at Edwards Air Force Base, military production facilities and other sensitive military sites across the country. In October, five drones with exceptional capabilities flew over a nuclear testing site.

Notable about these events have been the inability of US forces to deny or repel the invading craft. “Our drone signal-jamming devices have proven ineffective, and these craft are making no effort to remain concealed”, Mellon reported.

US authorities were so alarmed that emergency meetings were held at the White House for two weeks. The Pentagon UFO Office was included in the meetings.

Yes, it seems the Pentagon has a UFO office.

UFOs are pretty much mainstream news now. Over the past decade, we’ve been hearing story after story after story from credible sources that the US military encounters flying craft with extraordinary technology rather regularly.

The existence of flying craft with technological capabilities far beyond regular military aircraft is now beyond doubt. The question is, therefore, what are they?

And who’s in them?

Elon Musk doesn’t think they’re aliens. Neither do I. There are still a few questions that remain, however, even after little grey orifice probers have been ruled out.

The capabilities of these craft make it highly improbable that any government or group organically developed the technology. You don’t go from the Wright Brothers to biplanes to Mustangs to anti-gravity saucers like that. There’s no credible trajectory for their development by human researchers without outside help.

They just showed up out of nowhere after World War II, at least in the United States. That’s the generally accepted narrative. Most people consider Roswell, in 1947, to be the first modern encounter with UFOs that led to a craft being captured.

It wasn’t, however. The first reported modern retrieval of a UFO craft was in fascist Italy in 1933. Recent evidence has come to light to substantiate long-held claims by the Italians that they, and not the Americans, were the first to capture a UFO wreckage.

This thread back to Italy, 14 years before the reported retrieval of the Roswell UFO wreckage, brings up two topics that recur again and again when you investigate UFOs: Nazis and nukes.

Just like with the ideological origins of Likud, if you dig deep enough into the origins of UFOs, you find fascists. There are serious people who have written books alleging that the US got its kick-start in UFO technology by bringing over German research scientists after the war who had mastered anti-gravity technology as part of a project codenamed ‘Die Glocke’ – The Bell.

The technological trajectory, according to this theory of the European fascist origins of UFO tech, was that Italian and German scientists who were attempting to backward-engineer the technology were then brought over to the USA to continue their work for Uncle Sam after the war.

According to Congressional testimony by military veterans in July last year, the US government continued to salvage UFOs after the war, thus improving their ability to master the technology.

Since the late 1940s, UFOs have also shown a considerable interest in nukes. They stalk nuclear testing sites, even here in Australia, they turn up and shut off ICBM silos, they appear near stored nuclear weapons, and they monitor nuclear-powered aircraft carriers at sea.

This has led many in the UFO community to believe, and even write books asserting, that the development of nuclear weapons is the key reason UFOs have come to Earth. As though the UFOs are piloted by beings who want to save us from destroying our planet.

The UFO-nuke connection is so strong that it is clearly central to the entire phenomenon. If we want to develop a theory of UFOs, nukes will have to be a part of it.

The same veterans who testified before Congress recently also stated that the US government has recovered ‘non-human biologics’. This, of course, is where the rubber hits the road. Humans didn’t develop the technology. It must, therefore, have been developed by someone else. And surely that ‘someone else’ is aliens, right?

This is what will lead millions of Christians to lose their faith once UFO disclosure occurs, in my view. And that’s why I’m opening myself up to ridicule to write this up.

Most people will dismiss this entire topic out of hand, but I firmly believe this is a mistake.

UFOs are clearly coming, and the church will need to have answers. I believe there are answers, if we are willing to recover the prehistoric worldview held by all Christians in the first few centuries of the church outlined in the piece below.

In the worldview of the early church, there was another possibility about intelligent superbeings who could develop super-advanced technology. It links to the universal belief among ancient peoples that there was a golden age prior to a global flood in the distant past.

This belief was pretty much universally held around the world during ancient times. It was central to every culture.

This is where the widely-known History Channel series Ancient Aliens gets its material to push the theory that extra-terrestrials landed on Earth millennia ago and seeded human civilisation.

It wasn’t ‘aliens’, or at least how we think of them. The early church didn’t think they were aliens. They believed they were fallen angels and the giant offspring of those angels. The Ancient Aliens bros take the archaeological and literary evidence of that widely-held view from antiquity and cobble it together with little grey men to push the X-Files take.

If you’re a Biblical Christian, this shouldn’t seem outlandish because the fallen angels and Nephilim spoken of in Genesis 6:1-4, Jude 1:6-7 and 2 Peter 2:4 were understood to be imprisoned in Tartarus. It is the opening of Tartarus in Revelation 9 that releases those imprisoned beings to torment rebellious humans for five months before the Lord returns and destroys them.

Apocryphal literature read alongside scripture by the early church, such as 1 Enoch, also make it clear that the fallen angels influence human societies to worship them.

Perhaps there is more to the opening of the Abyss than just some locust demon creatures escaping and going all zombie apocalypse. Perhaps the great delusion and global deception by the anti-Christ prophesied in scripture will seem to the people of the world at first more like a Star Trek utopia than a demonic horde.

Our subverted culture has led the world astray with literary and cinematic visions of techno-utopia and salvation by aliens like Superman and the other superheroes. This cultural messaging began around about the same time that UFOs turned up. Could this all be part of the great Last Days deception of the world by the beings who first corrupted humanity and enslaved us like cattle before the Lord judged them in the Flood?

We’re now on the brink of nuclear war. It will intensify in the coming years, and thanks to Zionism, many around the world will come to hate Christianity for its role in starting the conflict.

If the spaceships arrive and superior beings emerge to tell humanity they are here to rescue us from ourselves and our dark, backward superstitions, who could resist?

If they offer biological and technological solutions to overcome the Fall and make us superbeings too, who will say no?

If it shall be as in the days of Noah, will not even the elect be deceived?

Originally published at Ponerologist.