And Women Rule Over Us


You know the one about the gods make mad first those that they destroy, surely you’ve all heard that pithy quip. My preferred house of wreckage quote goes more along biblical lines.

 12 As for my people, their oppressors have stripped them, and women have ruled over them. O my people, they that call thee blessed, the same deceive thee, and destroy the way of thy steps.

A few days ago a New Zealand navy vessel with the lilting name Manawanui, went to the bottom of the South Pacific after running into an island, catching fire, falling over a wee bit, running around with its trousers down, and all while decrying systemic racism. Keep in mind that the total and combined strategic might of New Zealand’s navy is eight ships. Sorry, seven ships now. So with that one little incident, 12.5% of the navy went to meet Davy Jones.

Us Anglos have a long and proud history of holding our ships’ officers to account. The English navy hung one of their admirals for not chasing after a French fleet which he had already sent packing. Captains and commanders were entrusted with their navy vessels, a serious investment for the nation, and had to respond to its fate with his life. For any incident a court martial was called and it was never a sure outcome.

The captain and his crew were expected to do their utmost to save their vessel. The point was the vessel, not the crew. The crew were there to make sure that the nation’s military investment was protected at all costs, while doing their utmost to engage the enemy. A tricky combination; don’t lose our ship but you had better do your very best to win at all costs. Captains who were able to manage this tricky balance of tasks usually managed to do well. Marrying the admiral’s plain daughter didn’t hurt one’s career either.

The sunken navy vessel was captained by a woman. She did her very utmost to save the crew. Whether that was at the expense of the vessel is something that would have to be determined by a court martial hearing, if such things were still valid. As it stands she is being praised to high heaven for her magnificent saving of the crew, even though technically she just lost 12.5% of the New Zealand navy fleet. Courtesy of The Kurgan, I discovered this gem:

I interviewed a female veteran who served as an officer on American ships about this incident, and she shared an intriguing perspective I’ve never heard before. She said that it took men centuries and thousands of shipwrecks to master commanding ships without major incidents, and we should expect some losses as women, who think differently, learn the ropes and gain that experience too doing it their way. She said losses are to be expected and they are ok especially if there’s no loss of life.

The feminisation of our nations in a nutshell. It’s okay to lose major financial investments upon which depends the military safety of the nation just so long as nobody broke a fingernail. None are safe until all are safe. If you’re wondering why the hysterical reaction to a bad flu occurred, this is your reason right there.

She said we shouldn’t try to investigate this from a male perspective but learn lessons from a female perspective.

Of course, this blather makes no sense at all. There is no such thing as a male or female perspective when you are in charge of a warship. The only way that such a statement can have any coherence at all is if you are insane.

I kinda agree. Women do think different and this could become be a major tactical advantage for us but testing new methods and systems of thought comes with risks, especially at sea.

I bet the Russian, Chinese and Iranian navies are quaking in their high heeled boots.

Just how it could be a major tactical advantage having incompetent and what appear to be unaccountable women in charge of our nations’ warships is not explained. As usual these are simply brain farts echoed into the internet by crony males desperate to get with the new female paradigm. This is the 21st century version of marrying the admiral’s plain daughter. The difference being, however, that marrying Gertrude didn’t contribute to a military defeat of the nation.

We are living through what will undoubtedly be seen as the most embarrassing period of human history, and we are doing so as citizens of the nations so unfortunate as to have come under the dominion of women. As Australia calls for even more US soldiers to be based on our shores; as we openly support the NATO satrap of Ukraine; as we slobber and debase ourselves while hysterically screeching our support for Israel’s continued reign of terror against its neighbors; as we moronically seek to threaten China that Taiwan enjoys the benefits of our protection, in other words as we push for war with anyone and everyone on the globe, our military’s have been destroyed from within for the sake of diversity, equality and inclusion.

We are heading for a military defeat so comprehensive and profound that the victors won’t even have to fiddle with the pages of history in order to make themselves look good.

Originally published at Pushing Rubber Downhill. You can purchase Adam’s books here.

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Adam Piggott writes about all things red pill and nationalist right. He examines what it means to be a man in the modern world and gives men advice beyond the typical 'how to pull chicks', (although he does that too.) He plays the guitar, smokes cigars, drinks wine and rum, rides motorbikes, is bad at cricket, and distrusts any man who has no redeeming petty vices. He does his best to be a reality check to any Millennials or progressives so unfortunate as to cross his path.