Dying for dark gods


Right now, Aussies are enjoying the footy final and, at least in my part of the country, the long weekend. Daylight saving just started here in NSW. It’s warming up. Almost pool weather. Life is good.

Not so in the Middle East right now. Ominously dark clouds are gathering there, noticeable if we pay attention.

Whatever your perspective on who’s right and who’s wrong in this spreading Middle Eastern conflict, I don’t care. None of us should care. We only have to care because our governments and the people who control our governments are making sure we will care by getting us involved.

Make no mistake, we will be getting involved. We’re involved in Ukraine. Pretty soon, we’ll be involved in the Middle East abroad and at home. And should the current trajectory of neocon warmongering in America not be stopped, we’ll soon also be involved in a war with China and North Korea in our region.

But this long weekend, it’s Israel and Iran. Israel assassinated some people, and then, on October 1, Iran struck back in a way that shocked Western elites.

Iran isn’t a proxy militia like Hamas and Hezbollah. Many people forget this. Iran is Persia—the ancient empire that’s been a significant global power since the fall of the Neo-Babylonian Empire in the mid-6th century BC.

The Persians have had 45 years of being hyper-focused on taking out Israel to develop their technological and diplomatic strategy. Last Tuesday, they demonstrated that by launching 200 missiles at Israel with a 90 per cent success rate. Two Israeli airbases and the Mossad HQ in Tel Aviv were hit.

There’s also online chatter that they may have tested a nuke on Saturday.

The missile strikes represent a significant ratcheting up in the escalation ladder between Israel and Iran. Israel’s foreign policy strategy relies on being too scary for its neighbours to attack. Iran, which has thousands of ballistic missiles according to reports, just dispelled the illusion of invulnerability from Israel. The Israelis will have to respond aggressively or risk losing their strategic deterrence.

So here we are, barbecuing on the brink. What a time to be alive.

Some barbecues will no doubt be stopped, however, should anyone bring up the Zionist-Palestinian conflict. It’s become pretty much the most potent topic that falls along our political divide now. I found that out recently when I was at a church event, and the topic of the exploding Hezbollah pagers came up.

There was a range of views, but overwhelmingly, the room aligned with Israel ‘having a right to defend itself’. I’m used to and expect such sentiments among Christians, so I held my peace (for once). But it bothered me.

How can we Christians, who can see the images of exploded children and fragmented babies in the rubble in Gaza and Lebanon, think one side here is good and the other bad?

How can this be so widespread in the church, or at least in the Protestant churches?

Then it hit me.

They think Jews worship Yahweh.

This is the core deception that makes your mild-mannered, Bible-thumping, Jesus-jumping, kindly old Baptist uncle bay for Palestinian blood whenever the topic of Israel comes up.

Christians identify with orthodox Jews because Ben Shapiro and Sky News and Rabbi Jonathan Cahn and Glenn Beck and their local pastor all lead them to believe that the only difference between rabbinic Judaism and Christianity is a few extra rules that those silly Pharisees came up with yonks ago. Otherwise, the Jews worship the God of the Bible.

Nuh-uh. Not even close.

Nothing could be further from reality. Christians can support Israel however they like, but if the basis for this support is a metaphysical deception about the nature of rabbinic Judaism among the Body of Christ, then Christian leaders should be bringing this issue to light.

However, they won’t do it because they are too worldly, indebted, and unwilling to offend their congregations. So I’ll do it for them.

Jews don’t worship God. They don’t worship Yahweh. If they did, they’d become Christians.

Stephen gave us an indication in Acts 7:41-43 (ESV), quoting Amos 5:25-27, who the god of the Pharisees was, and therefore who the god of the rabbis is:

And they made a calf in those days, and offered a sacrifice to the idol and were rejoicing in the works of their hands. But God turned away and gave them over to worship the host of heaven, as it is written in the book of the prophets: “‘Did you bring to me slain beasts and sacrifices, during the forty years in the wilderness, O house of Israel? You took up the tent of Moloch and the star of your god Rephan, the images that you made to worship; and I will send you into exile beyond Babylon.’

The Hebrew word given as ‘Rephan’ here is more usually spelt ‘Remphan’. This is where it gets revealing, because this god was well known to the ancient Israelites.

Remphan is the god known as Saturn to the Romans, Kronos to the Greeks and El by the Canaanites, who lived just north of ancient Israel and whose religious influence was what ultimately corrupted the northern kingdoms and brought judgement on ancient Israel.

El is the chief father god of the Canaanite pantheon and was usually worshipped in the form of a bull. His worship often involved human sacrifice, particularly the sacrificing of babies conceived during sacred orgies at Asherah pole rituals by burning them alive.

Establishment academics poo-pooed this historical fact for decades until recently, when archaeological evidence showed overwhelmingly that the Canaanites, who became the Phoenicians after roughly 1000 BC, ritually sacrificed newborns.

Saturn is usually depicted eating children for a reason. All ancient pagan cultures understood that he feeds on human blood.

In the Book of Acts, Stephen tells us what the god of rabbinic Judaism is, clearly linking it to the apostasy of Israel throughout its history. He’s also saying that the worship of the Canaanite El involved the worship of a star.

Well, isn’t that interesting? What would turn up if we did a basic Google search on the star of Saturn?

Well, whaddayaknow. There’s no historical or etymological evidence for the hexagram ever being associated with King David. However, it has long been associated with the occult, Freemasonry and the worship of Saturn, whom the Canaanites and apostate Israelites worshipped as El.

So who is El, then?

In the pagan mythologies of all ancient Near Eastern cultures, El/Saturn/Kronos/Kumarbi/Dagon was the father god whom his son, the storm god Baal/Jupiter/Zeus/Tessub/Hadad, had overthrown. The storm god then imprisoned him and his supporters in the underworld. Second Temple Period Jews and the early church would have associated this being with the chief of the Watchers from 1 Enoch, Semiyaza.

Ever wondered what the real reason is that Jews won’t say ‘Yahweh’? Now you know, even though most of them don’t. Yahweh isn’t their god.

Their god is El. You can think of him as king of the underworld, called Abaddon the Destroyer in Revelation. According to Revelation 9:1-11, he and his army of minions will be released from Tartarus during the tribulation to torment those who have rejected Christ.

It’s not just Biblical evidence we can look to in order to support this theory that the god of rabbinic Judaism is the old Canaanite god El, either. It’s also evident in the religion itself if we pay attention.

Judaism isn’t based on the Torah, which the rabbis call ‘the written law of Moses’. It’s based on something else, ‘the oral law of the rabbis’. These are a series of texts and doctrines which, at their most fundamental level, are based upon the doctrines and practices of Kabbalah.

Just like the ancient Canaanite religion of El, Kabbalah is ritual divination. It is a method of contacting metaphysical entities and is the basis of all Western occultism. Stay long enough in a Freemasonic lodge or a theosophical coven, and eventually, you’ll find out it’s all based on Kabbalah.

There is power in Kabbalah, but it is cursed. Practitioners of Kabbalah believe they’re communing with angels. They’re not. They’re conversing with demons, and the path of enlightenment upward they think they’re travelling is instead a pathway into the underworld.

Kabbalists serve the dark gods imprisoned in the underworld, and will be given worldly and temporal blessings insofar as they assist the kingdom of darkness in bringing about its end-times plan. For El and his host, that is focused on one objective: catalysing the apocalypse so they can be freed from the torture of Tartarus.

If you look at the top of the ‘Tree of Life’ pictured above, you’ll see another hexagram. There’s a cube inside that hexagram; an occult symbol that the rabbis call ‘Metatron’s cube’. Again, if you research Saturn and cubes, you’ll find that the black cube is consistently associated with El’s underworld prison, Tartarus.

It’s all complex, but the links between the religion of the Canaanites, rabbinic Judaism and black cubes are overwhelming. The little black cube and armbands that Jews wear called ‘tefillin’ are of pre-Israelite, Canaanite origin and have no Biblical basis.

So, if El is the god of rabbinic Judaism, then who is the god of Islam?

Hebrew and Arabic are both Semitic languages, and ‘El’ is a Hebrew name.

The Arabic form of that name?


Originally published at Ponerologist.