Hitler was a Christian


There are a lot of people in the Nationalist movement who believe that Hitler wasn’t a Christian and that he even was antagonistic to it. There are quotes from people who claimed inside knowledge of this, but I am sceptical of these people, mainly because they were from those whose lives were spared after the war and, because of this, I am suspicious that they have twisted the truth in return for favourable treatment.

Either way, I’ve nearly finished re-reading Mein Kampf and what he writes in there gives me a very different impression.

Lets look at what Hitler says about Aryan peoples and what sets us apart from other races:

“This self sacrificing will to give one’s personal labour and if necessary one’s own life for others is most strongly developed in the Aryan. The Aryan is not the greatest in his mental qualities as such, but in the extent of his willingness to put all his abilities in the service of the community.

“Not in his intellectual gifts lies the source of the Aryan’s capacity for creating and building culture. If he had just this alone, he could only act destructively.” (Because if a man uses his intellect only for) “self preservation without consideration for his fellow men” (then it will only be used for) “theft, usury, robbery, burglary, etc.”

Mein Kampf

So why wouldn’t Christianity be the perfect faith for the Ayran man? What is the essence of Christianty if not the creed of self sacrifice for long term reward? And what greater example of delayed gratification than that of foregoing all earthly wealth and personal success to build God’s kingdom on earth, with the only reward of a promise of eternal life that we have no way of verifying until after we die? The essence of Christianity is the very quality of the White man that Hitler identifies and reveres so much.

Here is what he thought was the true strength of Christianity:

“The Greatness of Christianity did not lie in attempted negotiations for compromise with any similar philosophical opinions in the ancient world, but in its inexorable fanaticism in preaching and fighting for its own doctrine.” Mein Kampf.

Now, is this statement about Christianity true of Christians and Christianity today? NO! Christians are generally weak, fearful and treasonously tolerant. Was this also a problem within Churches in Hitler’s day? YES! So I think it is more than likely that Hitler had many criticisms of Churches and the institutions that were meant to preach the Gospel, just like we do here today. But that isn’t a rejection of the one true faith, that’s simply an outrage that we all share at the degradation of our heritage by the Priests and Pastors who were entrusted to preserve it.

Hitler knew the value of self sacrifice, ergo he knew the righteousness of the Christian faith. To quote him again:

“As soon as egoism becomes the ruler of a people, the bands of order are loosened and in the chase after their own happiness man falls from heaven into a real hell.”

Isn’t this what has happened to our people today? Isn’t this the plague of Western Civilisation? And wasn’t it also the plague of Weimar Germany at the time Hitler wrote this?

How did this happen? It happened because a race that only has intellectual gifts with none of the inbuilt traits of self sacrifice for others, took control of our countries and sold the lie of individualism to us. Then as a collective, they parasited off our struggles to make ourselves individually wealthy whilst doing everything they could to demonise and ridicule the faith of our ancestors.

Think about the two things most under attack in the world today. Being White and being Christian. This is not an accident. The two go together. Destroy one, the other will wither and die without it.

What do these people offer for their new world order that will replace the White Christian world that our ancestors built? They have nothing of their own to offer. Because to offer something new would require them to also be self sacrificing, which they are not. They are only consumers. Robbers. Parasites. The only way they can elevate themselves higher than us, is to debase our past to make it appear lower than them.

Again, Hitler recognised this and states the following:

“The baser and more contemptible the products of the time and its people, the more it hates the witnesses to the greater nobility and dignity of a former day. In such times the people would best like to efface the memory of mankind’s past completely, so that by excluding every possibility of comparison they could pass off their own trash as “art”. Hence every new institution, the more wretched and miserable it is, will try all the harder to extinguish the last traces of the past time, whereas every true renaissance of humanity can start with an easy mind from the good achievements of past generations; in fact can often make them truly appreciated for the time. It does not have to fear that it will pale before the past; no, of itself it contributes so valuable an addition to the general store of human culture that often, in order to make this culture fully appreciated, it strives to keep alive the memory of former achievements, thus making sure that the present will fully understand the new gift.”

Hitler then goes on to state that this isn’t just true for art or architecture, but also for politics, religion or any aspect of human existence.

So does this sound like someone who would hate Christianity or be opposed to the faith of his ancestors?

No. This is a man who saw the decay all around him and not only wanted to restore former glory and respect but wanted to revere everything good about the past, so it could be built upon to make an even greater future.

So our task Brothers and Sisters is to reclaim what Christianty was and is. It is to reject what a perverted and debased charade it has become. To pick out all that is good. To remember and revere it. To defend it with our lives. To sacrifice with our lives if need be the defence of the truth of our God and the truth of Christ and the resurrection and use that reverence of our religious past to bring Christ to even greater glory.

And by doing this we also renew, restore, revere and elevate our peoples once more. We rebuild the kingdom of God on Earth for our progeny. By sacrificing for God, we automatically sacrifice for our people. For just as if you destroy our faith you cause our race to wither and die, once we restore our faith, our race will thrive and prosper once more.

So maybe, just maybe, when you come across claims by people who heard Hitler talking during the Second World War of establishing a new religion, that what he was talking about was a new Christianity. A restored Christianity. A Christianity built upon the faith of old but unshackled by the mistakes of men and the corruption of man that are only too visible to us today.

One of the mistakes (or perhaps acts of treachery) that Christian leaders have made has been buying into the Liberal ideology of extending Christ’s Commandments to the individual to love and forgive, and falsely applying it to a Commandment for the State.

Now the Old Testament Laws are mainly about the running of the State, with the exception of the Ten Commandments and the seven deadly sins which are directed at every individual. The new Testament on the other hand, is almost exclusively dealing with the individual and how we are to embody the spirit of the Ten Commandments into our daily lives. And there is a distinction.

The State is supposed to be God’s authority here on Earth. THOU shalt not murder because the State is supposed to pass God’s judgement on people who have wronged you so that you don’t commit the sin of vengeance. And this is why there is no contradiction in the Bible between the Old Testament and the New. You as an individual should love your enemy. Not like your enemy. Not shower your enemy with hugs and kisses. NO! THOU, YOU individually shall not take it upon yourself to murder your enemy, steal from him, have sex with his wife, lie about him. That’s what love your enemy means. It means you don’t go out of your way to screw him over just because you can. You model yourself on Jesus when he was born of a virgin and took on human flesh and lived the life of a perfect man. You love your enemy by giving up your personal grievences against him and continue to apply the Ten Commandments towards him.

The State, on the other hand is supposed to take on the role of Jesus when He visited Abraham and destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah. The OFFICE of Christ NOT the PERSON of Christ.

This is what most of Christianty gets wrong today. And most of our society inverts the role of the State and makes it play the role of the individual. So the courts forgive criminals which makes it impossible for the individual to. The State acts as the Good Samaritan to foreign peoples, which makes existing citizens resent other races because of the injustice their leaders impose upon them in regards to the invaders.

The State is supposed to act as the hand of God in judgement. This, so the individual has the environment in which to conduct his life in honour and with love.

This is how civilisations are built. We sacrifice our ego and give up acting impulsively and taking our own “justice” and so break the cycle of revenge. We give that up to God because “vengeance is mine, sayeth the Lord, I will repay”. God, in turn, establishes leaders over us and entrusts them to be His hand of justice and judgement. If they fail in this task, God then Judges society as a whole and brings that civilisation down. As we are seeing today.

This is not just the true Christian way, but also Adolf Hitler’s way. The National Socialist State in Germany upheld the laws of the Old Testament. It began driving out the foreigner (the jews). Just like the Bible says it should. It executed murders, just like the Bible says it should. It put men who molested children to death, just as the Bible says it should. It forced visitors to respect and honour German customs whilst there, just as the Bible says it should. Then it made sure they went home again. It abolished usury amongst Germans. Just as the Bible says it should. And the Nationalist movement in White countries today is no different from National Socialism in Germany in the 1930’s. It is built on true Christian values, not on inverted and subverted doctrines of cucked and apostate Churches. Churches that Hitler also rightly criticised in his day.

Because the faith of our ancestors is perfect. Our God is the only God and National Socialism is simply the most recent expression of the true Christian faith, when properly applied. A resurrection of what the jews keep trying to kill with their attempts to subvert and invert what Christ and scripture teaches. Liberalism, Socialism, Marxism, Communism. They all have two things in common: they are championed by jews and, in one way or another, they invert the role of the State to give it the responsibility of the individual. But the jews and their indoctrinated Goys can never kill the true doctrine of Christ, because Christ already conquered death. Like Christ, our Nationalist movement will rise again because we have Him in our hearts and we seek to do His will on this Earth. We will enforce His laws through our institutions once more and then the vast majority of us will live individually without the need of those laws because we have them and Christ’s Holy Spirit in our hearts.

God commanded humans to live in separate Nations. We seek to obey this command and restore our ethnically homogeneous lands. With God’s help we will win.

You can find Stephen Wells at Telegram and purchase his books here.