Pro-Paedo Bookshop, Rabble Books & Games in Perth, Hosts Grooming Event

Owner of Rabble Books & Games in Maylands, Nat Latter.
Owner of Rabble Books & Games in Maylands, Nat Latter.

The City of Bayswater in Perth, Western Australia, gave the green light for degenerate performance artist “Cougar Morrison” to teach children to trust homosexual pederasts at Maylands library last Saturday.

Some call the event “Drag Queen Storytime”. What people may not know about this event is that it has actually been operating for years and on a regular basis in privately owned bookshops. One such business is Rabble Books & Games in Maylands. So, when the political fracas that ensued forced the organisers to opt out of grooming kids at the library, Rabble gladly stepped up to host the “Drag Queen Storytime” instead.

The outfit is run by Sam Baker and his freakish partner Natalie Latter who, among other things, likes to drive up greenhouse gasses with her hair dye, adopts the “they, them” pronouns, and clothes boys in dresses. Among her causes are School Strikes for Climate, flooding our country with non-whites and, of course, the sexualisation of children. She runs the shop to cater to minority groups because “A lot of publishing is very cis-white-male and that’s a lot of the stuff that gets a lot of publicity”.

The owner – making her son wear a dress.

The shop’s products are much what you would expect. Under Picture Books we find “When We Say Black Lives Matter”, and under First Nations we find “Our Mob”; all while proudly proclaiming to be located on “Whadjuk Noongar land”. But the most egregious titles are those pushing the LGBT agenda onto children. “Hijab Butch Blues” details the struggles of fourteen-year-old Lamya in being a lesbian in the Middle East, while “Detransition, Baby” tells the tale of a transgender “woman” who begins sleeping with married men as a way of coping with her “girlfriend” detransitioning back to man (yes, really).

(The pedophile agenda of Queer Theory.)

And it gets worse. Not content with simply targeting teens and tweens, the bookshops targets toddlers. “Our Rainbow” aims to teach toddlers what each colour of the rainbow Pride flag means, told “in simple, engaging text and paired with bright illustrations”.

The promotion of pederasty as a societal norm is not just being pushed by governments and local councils; it is happening all around you. Do not only become outraged by such practices when they come at the taxpayer’s expense on public property. Get loud and get angry. Direct your energy towards businesses who profit from the sexualisation of children and let them know that the cultural tide is against them.

For those willing to act, here are the contact details of Rabble Books & Games:

Address: U2/46 Eighth Ave, Maylands, WA 6051
Phone: 08 6244 1841

Originally published at The Racer