Clementine Ford Hates Words


Mattys Modern Life

You just have to love Clementine Ford. Not for who she is – she really is vile in many ways – but for the good she does to help, that’s right, help, the growing anti-feminist movement. Her vitriol and hatred of male sexuality does a lot to turn people away from feminism and really highlights where the feminist movement has gone horribly wrong.

Personally, I believe feminism has been well off the mark for decades now, but what Clementine does perfectly is highlight the exact reasons it is.

Feminism in the sixties (second wave feminism) told women to get out into the workforce. It told them not to be housewives (because raising children is somehow not something to be proud of for some reason), to strive for something “better,” meaning a career and “success” in the male working world, all under the guise of “promoting equality”. Yes, they also helped women gain access to property rights and the vote, and these were all well and good (although more should have been done to prevent the inevitable result of the rise in welfare as a result of women’s suffrage), but the result was the destruction of the family unit, the masculinisation of women, the feminisation of men and a generation of men who simply have no idea how to be men.

Ultimately, the movement was less about making life better for women (it hasn’t – women are more unhappy than ever) and more about attacking masculinity. It told men to be “more caring”, to be “less rough”. It shamed masculinity and male sexuality as a whole. Growing up in the ’90s, I can remember clearly how emasculated men were in TV shows like Friends (still funny though) and essentially any show involving a family.

Think stupid husband with his tolerant wife and you have pretty much every ’90s and 2000s sit-com there was.

In the sixties through to the nineties, the general dislike of masculinity coming out of the feminist movement was a lot more subtle than it is today. It was there, you just had to look closely. Now, by contrast, feminists don’t even bother to hide their hatred of men. It’s almost as though they are proud of it. Which brings me back to old Clementine, the gift that just keeps on giving.

Her column in The Age today goes into full-blown hate mode (her only mode) as she blasts a pub for daring to hang “offensive” signs while hosting a frat-themed party. Signs like “our couch pulls out but we don’t”, “daughter drop off point” and “MILFs and DILFs welcome” (apparently she doesn’t know that the “D” in DILF means Dad, anyway. I guess “MILFs” is sexist but “DILFs” isn’t? Who knows), are deemed “promoting rape culture” and thus, are evidence of just how “bad” the people who hung them are, and how they clearly must support actual rape, or at least don’t seem to care about sexual assault.

She even goes so far as to cite studies about frat members being somehow much more likely to rape. Studies that have been thoroughly debunked many times over.

“It isn’t a clever jape to hint at groups of men preying on drunk young women.”

Really Clementine? But is it a “clever jape” to say things like “kill all men, then kill them again” or “all men are scum and must die”?

Aside from the blindingly obvious hypocrisy, who are these banners actually hurting? Which of these banners actually says it’s OK to rape women? One of the banners was “we want your freshman sons too”; is that one sexist as well?

No Clementine, nobody has been hurt and, even if you don’t think they are funny, or you feel them to be crude and offensive, this doesn’t mean anyone has to care, nor are they even remotely as bad as “kill all men”.

Meanwhile, around the world, women are actually getting raped en masse! Where is Old Clem’s column on this? Well? Where is the actual fight for actual women’s rights in the Middle East? What about Sweden that has seen a huge increase in rape and sexual assault as a direct result of allowing Middle Eastern migrants to settle?

I guess that would mean actually pointing out a real rape culture (*cough* Islam *cough*), can’t have that now can we? I guess it’s just so much easier to get on your high horse over a few innocent banners and get the feminist SJW crew running around like headless chooks complaining about some fictional “rape culture” and how bad Western men are (kill all men, right?).

“In what universe would a pub – and particularly one that was the site in which a 19-year-old woman was sexually assaulted by a patron in 2013 – possibly think it was funny and festive to replicate the kind of bawdy celebration that was first immortalised as a men’s sexual free-for-all in pop culture through movies like Porky’s and Revenge Of The Nerds, and later subjected to serious critique over the mishandling of sexual assault reports by college administrations?”

Wait, so the pub is now responsible for the actions of its patrons? Did the pub condone said attack?

This kind of disgusting character assault on a legitimate and honest business has become part and parcel of the feminist, and Leftist in general, strategy. Not content with simply making their case, they must also do all they can to attack and destroy anyone in their path that they deem “wrong thinkers”. This isn’t to say that it’s OK for someone to sexually assault anyone, male or female, just that using the actions of one person to attack the actions of another, who in no way condones those actions, to make a case about them on a totally unrelated topic is truly deplorable.

It’s the same dumb logic that says, “the KKK likes Trump, therefore Trump supports the KKK!” No, unless Trump endorses the KKK, then Trump does not endorse the KKK. Unless the pub was wilfully engaging in the assault themselves, or in some way condones it, they are in no way guilty of any crime themselves, idiot.

“Whether or not anyone attends remains to be seen (although I’d kind of love for 150 women to turn up dressed as Columbia University’s Mattress Girl), but my guess is it won’t significantly alter punter numbers.”

She may be right; she may also be wrong. It is just as likely to see the numbers increase significantly, or did she learn nothing from the recent election of a certain man the Left deemed too “dangerous” to ever have a chance of winning?

This brings me to my final point. It is this kind of childish whining about what amounts to nothing more than words, that makes people shake their head and refuse to identify as feminists. Feminists, and the Left, have become nothing more than the puritans of old. They invite people to rebel against them. Ultimately they parody themselves and highlight their own hypocrisy. They lack of even the semblance of a reasoned and logical thought process.

I commented on the article (via The Age on Facebook – she blocked me from her page months ago as she does to anyone who disagrees), asking the legitimate question of “who was actually hurt by these banners” and got the predictable attacks and abuse that you get whenever you challenge the Left-wing narrative (look it up if you have time – Leftists can be quite entertaining when riled up).

It’s a losing strategy; you’d think they would have realised this by now, but apparently not.

“Because no matter how much time passes or what year marks the calendar, two things seem to remain perpetually true of humanity: we never learn from our mistakes, and we are predictably unoriginal.”

Damn right Clementine, damn right.

Mattys Modern Life writes regularly and brilliantly at

Photo by fifikins