Exhibit ‘A’


In a strong reaction to a speech by government leader in the Senate, Senator Eric Abetz, the two young children of a same sex couple living in hitherto unnoticed obscurity in Hobart have confirmed the fears raised by Senator Penny Wong on ABC Radio earlier this week, of wide ranging psychological damage being inflicted on children throug1024px-Freundinnenh the atrocities committed by Senator Abetz, in a speech he recently delivered to an empty chamber in the nation’s capital.

Following on from Senator Wong’s claims that the comments by Senator Abetz in that speech were “hurtful” and “offensive” to the children of same sex couples, baby Ruthie (* not her real name), the three month old daughter of an Intersex father and a gender non-specific mother, called in to ABC talkback radio Tasmania today to express her dismay at the “outdated ignorance” of Senator Abetz, and to ask when Barney would be on again. In the background, her four year brother, also named Ruthie (* his real name), whose parents are listed as two anonymous men calling themselves “laboratory assistant A and laboratory assistant B” could be heard demanding a re-run of Peppa Pig, and calling for Senator Abetz to be forcibly enrolled in a gender studies unit at Melbourne University. Senator Abetz was last seen boarding a plane for Pyongpang, North Korea.