Racism is not a Sin


Fr David Nix has written an article exploring the West’s current infatuation with the modern mortal sin that is called racism. The accusation of racism is often used to shut down criticism. The Jews have put this to great effect in the last 50 years with their continual overuse of another modern mortal sin known as antisemitism. Any criticism of any action of any Jewish person anywhere in the world is thus a horrible thing that must never be done. Which is why the MSM is now tying itself up in knots over how to interpret the ICC’s issuing of arrest warrants for the Jewish leader with the unspellable name.

The Vatican is also adept at utilising the accusation of racism at anyone who might dare to have a bit of an issue with the current disposition of the Church to worship anything pagan as being the best thing ever.

But it’s also the “mortal sin” accusation the woke Vatican has pre-loaded to hurl at anyone who disagrees with them. Like all globalists, the modernist wokesters never actually arrive at believing that the average American Catholic is truly a racist. But having the ability to throw around accusations like “racist” becomes the protection against any orthodox Catholic who might criticize any of the general acts of apostasy and heresy and even sacrilege currently being promoted by Rome.

But shutting down criticism is merely a minor use of the term. Racism as it stands seems to be undefinable, which is a purposeful strategy. So it is crucial to define racism as it stands in the 21st century. Racism is a disposition towards an in-group preference for one’s own race to the exclusion of others. It is primarily used against white people, although occasionally towards other races if so desired by the ruling authorities.

The Enemy uses the social threat of being declared a racist to push any agenda that will result in the humiliation, degradation, and destruction of the nations of white people. The Enemy’s minions are on record with the declaration that only whites can be racist. This deliberate incoherency allows them to continually shift the goalposts to their advantage. As people today lack a religious moral agency, they are often helpless before this strategy. Even worse, white people themselves use it to make themselves more righteous at the expense of their own tribe in order to be deemed acceptable by people that hate them, a somewhat cold moral comfort.

This modern mortal sin stuff, of which racism and antisemitism are both excellent examples, exists due to the secularisation of our nations. Our enemies are able to utilise these sort of tactics precisely because people don’t worship God anymore. Because people don’t worship God they are ignorant and thus susceptible to manipulation. I would bet that the majority of Westerners today probably believe that racism is a sin and that the real Catholic Church and the Bible instruct such a teaching.

But the fact is that racism is not a mortal sin, and neither is antisemitism for that matter. It’s not even a venial sin. It’s not a sin, full stop. And just before you all start reciting the old ‘love your neighbor as yourself’ quote, that passage refers to a neighbor as a member of your own tribe. That is the translation of the original Greek.

In fact, the Bible is chock full of examples of not loving at all the people of other tribes. The New Testament makes it a point to include foreigners in important teaching lessons, such as the good Samaritan and Simon the Cyrenean helping Jesus carry the Cross to Calvary. Christ came to redefine the Old Testament with the New. First we accept and worship Christ, and all fellow Christians are our brothers in belief. We are united with people of different tribes in our common belief, but that does not absolve us of our earthy responsibilities towards our own tribe.

An oft neglected passage in the Bible explicitly states this:

 8- But if any man have not care of his own, and especially of those of his house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel  [1 Timothy 5:8]

Our own house is our family, and our community, and our nation. Our people, our culture, and culture is downstream of race. You deny the faith if you do not care for your own, and by doing so you are damned before God. In other words, not only is it not a sin to be racist, but it is a sin not to be racist.

A man who is Christian would be honoring God by being loyal and faithful to his wife even if she were not a Christian. And it would be wrong to take care of other Christians first before he took care of her, even though he had Christ in common with them and not with her. However it would be wrong if he took her side against Christ. He cannot prioritise her above God.

If any man come to me, and hate nothis father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple  [Luke 14:26]

There was no confusion on this matter in the past. But then, people in the past were actual Christians. And what is more, they had not been subject to the Communist destruction known as multiculturalism. The insidious and slow moving nature of the Enemy’s internal compromising and destruction of our nations is what gives potency to a nonsensical term like racism. The defense against such an accusation is not to deny that you are a racist, nor is it to attempt to prove that you are not a racist, because that gives credibility to their lie.

The best defense against an accusation of racism is to declare to your accuser that you do not care. If pressed you can then state that you love your people, but above all that you fear God and you follow His word. The myriad and ever changing definitions of racism are specifically designed to force us to go against the word of God. And they know that. So throw their Satanic ways back in their faces. And be secure and confident with the knowledge that loving and providing for your own tribe is ordered to us by God.

Do not be morally blackmailed by liars uttering falsehoods on behalf of Satan. Call them out for what they are; expose the lying liars, disarm them of their potency, educate yourself on matters of Christianity which is a core pillar of our civilisation, and above all use this as a means to propel you towards accepting God’s truth and thus to know that truth is indeed God Himself.

Originally published at Pushing Rubber Downhill. You can purchase Adam’s books here.