The Great Christmas 2024 H-1B War


In the wake of the online meltdown by Elon Musk and his cohorts over the issue of H-1B visas, it is difficult to fathom just how badly out of touch these people are with the real American right. For the purposes of this article, American refers to white people descended from those who founded America. The fact that I feel that I need to clarify that point speaks volumes in itself. When I refer to Elon Musk I am also including all those who side with him on this issue; people like Vivek Ramaswamy and all the other oligarchs, as well as those whose very lives depend upon sucking up to them.

How did these people think that immigration was not a very hot topic indeed among Americans? They didn’t think at all; the fact is that they don’t care. The level of shrieking currently pouring forth from the bowels of Musk and co. is indicative of how much is at stake here. This is their hot topic, and Musk is one of them. You don’t get to be the public richest man in the world in the early 21st century by not being a fully bought and paid for member of the Cabal. (And there are plenty of much richer families in the world than Musk; they’re the ones jerking on his strings).

The great replacement theory is real. All that is required to understand that fact is to look around you. Our cities and nations are occupied by foreign invaders, and they overwhelmingly come from the sub-continent of India. They are the ones with whom the elites want to replace us. And the reason is because Indians in their evil society know only two realities: either they are above the people around them or they are below. Most of them inhabit the below section. When they are above then they are the most vile people on the face of the earth. When they are below then they take obsequiousness and servility to heights that are only bettered in Hell.

They are the perfect people to become the worldwide slaves to the elite. Elon Musk doesn’t want engineers from India, the very idea is absurd on the face of it. He wants slaves, and he wants slaves because his masters have told him what they want. They do not want whites because we make very poor slaves and we tend to pop off when we get pissed off. Also, we are Christians and they hate Christians most of all.

This battle won’t be won by getting Musk and his cohorts to “back down”. It will only be won by getting rid of Musk and his cohorts, and then expelling every single Indian that has invaded our nations. Perhaps Musk would prefer to head to Mars with all of his beloved Indians in tow. I’m sure that they would be superb colonisers of the red planet. They can build the slums of Calcutta in space.

This massive overreaction by Musk has definitively exposed the falseness of his position and wealth, not just to millions of Americans but also to millions of Australians, Canadians, Kiwis, and British. We too suffer under the same Indian replacement reality. We too need to rid our nations of our own Elon Musks. We too need to expel these hostile invaders. This overreaction and awakening has been the perfect Christmas gift. I thank Christ for his guidance and infinite wisdom. I only ask that we now have the courage to not give one more inch in the war that is already on our doorsteps. Musk has said that he will go to war on this issue. I greatly appreciate that he has outlined his terms. Consider them acceptable.

Originally published at Pushing Rubber Downhill. You can purchase Adam’s books here.