Lidia Thorpe Is The Future


This week, Whacko Thorpo did it again.

Wait, that’s not it…

Oops, just gotta bring up the right file.

Okay, this really is the right one.

I know what you’re thinking. Can you believe that is the interior of Parliament House? It looks like a highschool gym. He may be a globalist shill, but King Charles III had a point.

“You have, ladies and gentlemen, to give this much to the Luftwaffe; when it knocked down our buildings, it didn’t replace them with anything more offensive than rubble. We did that.”

Based. Anyway, here’s a transcript of Lidia’s rant:

“You are not our King, you are not sovereign, you committed genocide against our people.

“Give us back our land, give us what you stole from us – our bones, our skulls, our babies, our people.

“You destroyed our land. Give us a treaty, we want a treaty in this country. You are a genocidalist, this is not your land, this is not your land, you are not my King, you are not our King.”

We would be wise to take the demand “give us back our land” as 100% serious. It is for all intents and purposes a declaration of war. As she was escorted out she yelled:

“Fuck the colony, fuck the colony”.

To nonwhites, King Charles III represents White Australians, Anglos. Lidia Thorpe hates our King because she hates us. To her, we are the enemy.

In the days since her stunt Thorpe has insisted that she cannot be kicked out of office and that she intends to continue her Anglophobic activism for another three years, however in renouncing her loyalty to the King there may indeed be sufficient grounds to remove her. This would suit Lidia just fine, as a drawn out legal process would increase her notoriety and further radicalise Australian politics.

It’s hardly the Game of Thrones treatment.

So, who really has the power here? An ageing constitutional monarch who cannot so much as remove an unsightly building, let alone prevent the genocide of his own people, or a crazed fanatic who drives the policy agenda in Australia?

She may be the insane representative of an extremist, fringe minority but so are Antifa, a tacit paramilitary arm of state power whose terrorism acts as a veto on the rights of ordinary Aussies to speak out publicly against Clownworld. Similarly, the so-called voice to parliament got all the way to a referendum courtesy of Australia’s elites and the media before it was trounced by the Australian public. The Australian republican movement gets the same armchair ride despite scant public support.

There is no “debate” regarding a republic, nobody even cares, yet the Lying Press will pretend one exists until demographic replacement makes another referendum on the matter feasible. Thus in “our democracy”, the will of the people means nothing, only the fanaticism of small, tightly knit groups determined to achieve their goals.

The bipartisan policy of mass replacement immigration and Covid Tyranny in the face of overwhelming public opposition are perfect examples of this.

This will be the undoing of the major parties. Recent ABS mapping reveals the proportion of foreigners in Australian cities.

Courtesy of the ABS.

Further mapping reveals the highest immigrant group per suburb. This confirms that foreigners settle in clusters, and makes a mockery of the term “multiculturalism”.

Australian cities consist of nations within a nation. Conveniently, seats in Australia’s parliaments are determined geographically. Thus nons have been able to infiltrate the major parties at federal, state and local levels in order to push the agendas of and divert resources to their own ethnic groups. The excuse that representatives should “reflect their constituency” is code for; foreigners vote according to race and religion, not ideology or political party.

They’re becoming more brazen by the day.

The A.C.T. Liberal leader, apparently…

However “multiculturalism” will tear the major parties apart for the same reason it is tearing Australia apart. There are just too many rival ethnicities in Australia for the major parties to accomodate, so geographically based electoral seats will in time facilitate the formation of ethnically and/or religiously based political parties.

Primary support for the Liberal and Labor parties currently stands at roughly 30% each. In a decade they will be lucky to have half this support, because frankly, the boomers are dying. Younger White generations will vote for the more radical parties on either the left or right, and foreign invaders will prefer their own parties. This means the time is ripe for a political party to explicitly and exclusively represent White Australians.

The likes of Lidia Thorpe, Fraser Anning and Australia’s nationalists have shown how to do it. The news cycle has become incredibly easy to hijack, and from there fanatics can move the Overton Window and steer public policy. As noted earlier this week, Australia now has half a dozen Fraser Anning’s, while Victoria’s Liberal Party is imploding.

The Regime’s strategy is to prevent White people advocating for our own existence, to keep us as fragmented as possible. Should we unite across Australia and across Christendom, we’ll be unstoppable.

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David has studied history and political science at Melbourne University. His thesis was written on how the utilisation of Missile Defence can help to achieve nuclear disarmament. His interest in history was piqued by playing a flight simulator computer game about the Battle of Britain, and he hopes to one day siphon the earnings from his political writings into funding the greatest prog-rock concept album the world has ever seen.