Israel is uniting the Muslim world


While all around us, dear reader, the normies carry on completely unaware, you and I know that decisions are being made in the Middle East right now that will permanently alter our way of life.

While cozy Westerners pay no attention, the Israeli security cabinet has been meeting regularly to debate how Israel will respond to the devastating Iranian strike on an airbase and Mossad facilities three weeks ago.

The attack was devastating because it permanently broke the illusion of Israeli invincibility. Now they’ve got Lebanese hajjis flying drones into Bibi’s holiday house and blowing them up. The days of Israeli untouchability are over.

This is very, very dangerous.

Israel’s security strategy relies upon two things: its leverage over the American military and political class and its image as so superior to its neighbours that it cannot be threatened.

That second plank of Israel’s security platform was removed three weeks ago by the Iranian ballistic missiles, of which Iran and its allies have many, many thousands more. The strategic situation that Israel has relied upon for decades is now upended.

Israel has to go big here if they want to cow their neighbours and regain their security. Netanyahu and his hardline ultra-Zionist backers wanted to strike Iran’s nuclear and oil facilities. This would have risked nuclear war in the region and the collapse of the global economic system as Middle Eastern oil production ceased.

The Americans shot down the idea, so to speak, and later, some brave bureaucrat leaked the replacement Israeli strike plan on Iranian military targets scheduled for October 15-16 to a Telegram group. This has further delayed the Israeli attack.

Regardless, the Israelis have said they’ll attack before the US election on November 5, probably to lock whoever wins into their war on Persia. The Iranian counter-attack and further US and Israeli responses will make it nigh on impossible to de-escalate at that point.

A second regional front will have opened up in the emerging Western allies vs Eurasian axis world war.

We Westerners are Labradoodles. We live like Labradoodles. We expect honest transactions from others. We follow rules, knowing that those around us do, too. We think life is a rules-based competition between well-intentioned players who are nice and who also expect others to be nice, too.

This is the fruit of 15 centuries of Christianity working its way through our cultures and our genetics, and we take it for granted. To our peril.

Because we think everyone in the world is a Labradoodle. It means we don’t take evil at all seriously enough. I believe this insight is so important that I renamed this blog after ponerology – the study of evil. We have been foolish and have neglected to understand the darkness, and we are now about to experience a civilisational catastrophe as a result of our arrogant complacency. This is as true about Christians as about pagans in the West.

As I’ve written before, I believe that our boastful, perverse, bloated civilisation is the Mystery Babylon of Revelation 17-19:

Then I heard another voice from heaven saying,

“Come out of her, my people,
lest you take part in her sins,
lest you share in her plagues;
for her sins are heaped high as heaven,
and God has remembered her iniquities.
Pay her back as she herself has paid back others,
and repay her double for her deeds;
mix a double portion for her in the cup she mixed.
As she glorified herself and lived in luxury,
so give her a like measure of torment and mourning,
since in her heart she says,
‘I sit as a queen,
I am no widow,
and mourning I shall never see.’
For this reason her plagues will come in a single day,
death and mourning and famine,
and she will be burned up with fire;
for mighty is the Lord God who has judged her.”

And the kings of the earth, who committed sexual immorality and lived in luxury with her, will weep and wail over her when they see the smoke of her burning. 10 They will stand far off, in fear of her torment, and say,

“Alas! Alas! You great city,
you mighty city, Babylon!
For in a single hour your judgment has come.”

Doesn’t that describe the postmodern West to a tee? The bog standard Western normie can’t imagine for a moment anything bad ever happening to us in the way bad things happen to those weird people in the shithole countries we bomb. He believes we are untouchable.

Yet while we Labradoodles cavort on Tinder and Grindr, menacing eyes watch and wait for their moment.

The Christian historical experience of Muslims is akin to a farmer’s experience of locusts. They’re usually manageable, but once they swarm, watch out.

For the past 500 years, the collective Umma of the Muslims has been pretty much asleep. For the thousand years before that, Mohammed’s minions repeatedly threatened the existence of Christendom. They took the Ancient Near East, including Constantinople, and threatened to push into Europe proper until they were thrown back at the Siege of Vienna in 1683. Since then, they’ve lacked unifying leadership and have squabbled among themselves.

That’s rapidly changing, largely thanks to Israel and Israeli influence over the West. Regardless of what you think about the conflict in Palestine, the images coming out of Gaza and Lebanon are being seen by over a billion Muslims around the world and are galvanising Muslims everywhere to identify less as Shia or Sunni or Arab or Persian but, first and foremost, as Muslim.

The current crop of rulers of the Sunni world is mainly compliant with Western interests. Governments can be toppled, however, and should a pan-Islamic populism emerge, conditions for the rise of a Mahdi would be ideal. That leader would also have a religious narrative to justify aggressive imperialism against the West.

The US presence in the Middle East is already looking tenuous thanks to advancing Eurasian missile technology. US bases wouldn’t survive an aggressive, united Islamic empire. Zionist Israel would disappear.

Europe would also be devastated. Permanently, thanks to demographic conquest. Terrorism would become endemic in formerly Western nations, thanks to the open borders immigration policies based on historical guilt narratives pushed on us since the late 1940s.

If there was any powerful group on the planet who wanted to see Christian civilisation and organised Christianity decimated, they would do what’s been done to Western nations and the Middle East using Western military power since after the war.

Could any group be so subtle and disciplined to accomplish such an astonishing feat?

Being Labradoodles, we can’t imagine it.

It’s taken postmodern Westerners considerable time since 9/11 to understand the true nature of militant Islam. Conservatives are now shocked to see the rapes and the muggings and the lootings occurring across the West by recent arrivals.

We never thought that humans could behave like rabid hyenas in the civilised cities of Europe.

We couldn’t imagine the evil of orcish savagery, just as we can’t imagine the evil of long-term strategic planning to destroy whatever is good and decent and wholesome on Earth as part of some larger agenda.

We couldn’t imagine human hyenas.

And we can’t imagine wolves.