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Tag: Israel

Bandt to sue Dreyfus: If only our rulers cared this much...

The awkward moment when you’re forced to choose between ZOG and a communist. From the Dinosaur Media: Greens leader Adam Bandt has threatened Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus...

Reap What You’ve Sown

I'm so glad I wrote that piece against Avi Yemeni in 2021. It got me kicked off the anti lockdown speakers circuit and placed...

Israel is and always has been a Terrorist State

Regular reader Heresolong comments on the plight of poor Israel: Not really sure that thinking that a civilized and democratic state is worse than a...

Israel Begins to Panic

The good citizens of the United States now find themselves in a position where their right to criticise Israel for any reason has been...

What happens after World War III

When you’re learning how to write an opinion piece, the usual formula is you start with a news hook, show how it’s relevant to...

What We Need is a Crusade

Look, we all know that our nations, societies and cultures are in a very bad place. We abandoned God and instead we worshiped materialism....

Australia can’t do War on Terror 2.0 because Multiculturalism

Merry Christmas everybody, I have another one-off for you. I haven’t stopped laughing at this headline. Bearing in mind that the Lying Press lies, let’s see...

Persecuted Christians In Israel Are Being Ethnically Cleansed. Is Anybody Listening?

From National Justice Party. Joseph Jordan Prior to Israel’s founding as a Jewish state in 1948, Christians made up 20% of Jerusalem’s population. Since then, the...

Will Israel become #110?

Israel has an infamous reputation for state-mandated espionage using false passports, a secret nuclear weapons program as well as being a haven for those fleeing...

Extreme Far Right Extremist Penny Wong ends Australia’s recognition of West...

XYZ News understands that Penny Wong was raided overnight by the AFP for her antisemitic decision to reverse Australia’s recognition of West Jerusalem as...