Choose your own side Australia: If you want to live


“Laminate the newspaper, bigot” is the new “bake the cake, bigot.”


A Jewish customer has been refused service by an Officeworks employee declaring “I’m pro-Palestine”, video shows.

A Jewish customer has been rejected service by an Officeworks employee declaring “I’m pro-Palestine”, video shows.

The clip, shared by the Anti-Defamation Commission (ADC) on Thursday, was recorded earlier this year in Melbourne at the Elsternwick branch of the Wesfarmers-owned office supply chain.

Officeworks has since apologised to the customer but has not fired the staff member, instead sending her for “education and training” including a visit to the Melbourne Holocaust Museum.

An Officeworks spokeswoman told the company was “disappointed” the incident occurred and action had been taken to assure it was not repeated. She said company policies had been “incorrectly applied and in accordance with our Officeworks’ policies, the laminating should have taken place”.

The video begins mid-conversation, with the customer — who was wearing a yarmulke — attempting to have an article laminated. A copy of the Australian Jewish News seen on the counter.

According to the ADC, the page featured an article with a photograph of an Israeli flag and noted one of the authors was a rabbi.

I skim read that cut-and-paste, and I haven’t watched the full video, because I don’t care. Social media is in uproar about this. I can’t even be bothered embedding tweets. I know I am supposed to provide some deep analysis about free speech. Meh. Do we support the Israelis against Islamic Terrorism or do we side with muslims against Zionism? I simply don’t care.

Both sides in this Middle East conflict hate us, they can both get stuffed.

It’s at this point that some readers may consider me to be a heartless bastard, even dare I say it, a racist. However, there is a point to all this. Let me show you a video clip:

You may think this is a scene from Star Wars: Attack of the Clones. It’s not. This is Melbourne, 2029. You see, this is what is going to happen…

Many White people have had their humanity hijacked, programmed by decades of guilt propaganda into directing our innate empathy toward anybody but ourselves. Thus when conflict escalates in the Middle East, many White people are programmed to pick a side, rather than considering how this conflict may impact our own people.

So, when things really kick off, the Australian government will get involved because America will get involved, and Aussie troops will be sent to the Middle East. Refreshingly, a lot of Aussies will refuse because they have woken up to the manipulation. However, many Aussies will sign up to fight for one side or the other, because think of the children.

Not our own children, obviously. That would be racist.

Then, all those troops will get wiped out.

So Australia will send more troops, and they will get wiped out. Then gangs will roam Australian suburbs pressing any man, woman or child who can walk into the army.

Then that army will get wiped out. Eventually, with or without nuclear war, Australia and every other country will begin to run out of people.

As the human population is thinned, robot tech will improve to the point that states can send droids and drones to fight droids and drones.

But then they’ll realise that as good as the droid and drone tech is, ai is still retarded.

So the clownworld rulers in their underground bunkers will conclude that they’re going to need somewhat human boots on the ground if ever they are to secure lasting victories. However, as humans will be in such short supply, they’ll resort to growing them.

Somewhere in another underground bunker, a family who used to be normies will be sitting around eating tinned tuna, wondering why they weren’t more racist when it mattered.

We have been programmed to believe that “racism” causes genocide. This could not be further from the truth. “Racism” is simply an invented bogey word for self interest, for considering whether a course of action is good for you, good for your family, for your people and for your civilisation.

It is this aversion to so-called “racism” which will get the entire White race genocided if we don’t realise that a conflict on the other side of the world between foreign peoples – one group with nuclear weapons and the other right on the cusp of it – is none of our business.

We can stop all of this. Tell the pro-Palestinian people to get stuffed. Tell the pro-Israeli people to get stuffed. Tell every foreigner in the country to go home and completely shun them. Only interact with other Aussies, lift together and pray together.

When the pressgang comes for you, you’ll have backup.

You can find The XYZ on X and Gab.