Donald Trump Survives Assassination Attempt


Never saw it coming….

Somebody really seems to want us to pay attention to the US Presidential Election.


Former US president Donald Trump was rushed off stage with blood smeared across his face after a shooting at his campaign rally in Pennsylvania this morning, Australian time.

The local district-attorney, Richard Goldinger, has confirmed that Mr Trump was “grazed by gunfire but is safe”. He appeared to suffer an injury to his right ear.

One member of the rally crowd is dead, as is the alleged shooter. One other person is in a serious condition.

President Joe Biden was attending a Saturday evening mass at the time of the shooting.

He still pretends to be Catholic.

Leaving church, he was asked whether he’d been briefed. “No,” he replied. That has since been rectified, according to the White House.

“I’m grateful to hear that he’s safe and doing well. I’m praying for him and his family and for all those who were at the rally, as we wait for further information,” Mr Biden said.

“Jill and I are grateful to the Secret Service for getting him to safety. There’s no place for this kind of violence in America. We must unite as one nation to condemn it.”

After the shots rang out, Mr Trump ducked behind a lectern, clutching his ear, with Secret Service personnel rushing to surround him.

In footage of the incident, which occurred on Saturday evening, local time, loud bangs could be heard, plus someone – presumably a Secret Service agent – yelling “get down, get down, get down”.

Nine popping noises in all could be heard, including three before Mr Trump ducked. Members of the crowd, some of whom also dove for cover, could be heard screaming.

Trump was defiant afterward, having a Teddy Roosevelt moment. The memes are epic.

Let’s speculate, then.

If this was a set-up/false flag, it was one hell of a set-up. A lot can go wrong if you’re attempting to fire a bullet at someone’s head with the intention of just grazing their ear.

It’s possible there was a back-up plan…

I will make the assumption though that this was a very real assassination attempt.

Since Biden’s disastrous debate against Trump the entire Democrat establishment is in panic mode. Having failed to imprison, silence or otherwise neuter Trump, they may have decided that assassination is their only remaining option.

That is possible, but they can always just rig the election again.

However, it is intriguing that in the last fortnight, the Lying Press got the memo that Biden is done. Simultaneously they appear to be pretending they didn’t know that all the videos demonstrating his senility were very much real.

This provides Americans with yet another “peak behind the curtain”, ie evidence that the entire political and media landscape is fake. Thus it undermines confidence in America’s political system and encourages White, Christian Heritage Americans to ditch red team-blue loyalty and align themselves according to their ethno-religious identity.

According to this line of thinking, an assassination attempt on Trump does not simply make the debate old news. It gives Americans and the rest of the world the sense that the choice of candidate matters. The speculation is that Trump is considered a stronger supporter of Israel, thus the Neocons are outmanoeuvring the ah….. cosmopolitan coastal elites….. to get Trump in.

I have made the case that Trump’s policy toward The Russo-Ukrainian Proxy War is more sensible than Biden’s and I stand by this assertion. However with army recruitment plummeting, the neocons know that the only President Americans will go to war for is Donald Trump.

Interesting times ahead. Just gotta keep praying and lifting, together.

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David has studied history and political science at Melbourne University. His thesis was written on how the utilisation of Missile Defence can help to achieve nuclear disarmament. His interest in history was piqued by playing a flight simulator computer game about the Battle of Britain, and he hopes to one day siphon the earnings from his political writings into funding the greatest prog-rock concept album the world has ever seen.