Dictator Dan slugs Victorians to pay Covid Debt


Remember when the government payed everybody to stay home and binge watch zombie shows because of a pandemic which never happened?

Economics 101 means that eventually the government is going to have to do something about all that debt money printed out of thin air:

Victoria’s budget is tipped to reveal a staggering bill to pay-off the state’s multi-billion dollar COVID-19 lockdown debt when it is released tomorrow.

Daniel Andrews’ government will detail a $31.5 billion ‘COVID-19 Debt Repayment Plan’ to repay emergency funds borrowed at the height of the global crisis as part of the budget, Nine newspaper The Age has reported.

It’s believed funding for 372 expiring programs, including for road maintenance, domestic violence, disability support, will be cut as part of the plan.

Hilariously, this isn’t such a big deal. The domestic violence industry and disability industry have drained the productive for decades, so it’s telling that when faced with the reality of ballooning debt to fund a policy based on lies, the government has to reduce funding for other policies based on lies.

Regarding road maintenance, Victorian roads are perennially clogged with road maintenance workers at all hours of the day, yet the roads are in awful condition. This is because road maintenance work is a front to syphon funds to unions. Less funding thus means less road crews causing traffic jams while we just have to drive on the same cruddy roads.

Shadow Treasurer Brad Rowswell has said the Liberals are expecting “an absolutely brutal budget”.

“We’re fully expecting Victoria’s tax take to increase… at a time when Victorians can least afford it,” he said.

“You think things are tough for Victorians at the moment? It’s only going to get worse.”

When asked about the upcoming budget on Sunday, Victorian Health Minister Mary-Anne Thomas unwaveringly defended the government’s actions.

“We borrowed money in order to keep Victorians at work to keep small business thriving and of course to save lives,” she told media.

“But now is the time to commence the payback of that… money that’s been borrowed.”

Notice that they’re claiming they did what they were advised to do. Advised by whom? The WEF? The consequences of their reckless borrowing has caused surging inflation. In combination with renewed mass immigration which is causing a housing crisis, they are effectively creating Great Reset conditions.

Premier Daniel Andrews has previously claimed the size and cost of Victoria’s debt is due to the Reserve Bank increased the official cash rate 11 times over the past 12 months.

Earlier this month, Andrews said state governments were told during a 2020 national cabinet meeting they should “go and borrow” to avoid a 25 per cent unemployment rate.

He said his government was told “interest rates won’t be going up” and wouldn’t have borrowed as much as it did at the time if told differently.

Either they’re stupid or they’re lying. Everybody knows that when you create money out of thin air to pay people to do nothing, inflation will occur, so interest rates will go up. Again this is Economics 101.

It’s just another “safe and effective” Covid Lie coming home to roost.

The irony is that victims of the poison jab, and people who lost income or became unemployed due to the vaccine mandate should receive compensation, at a time when the government’s budget is getting tighter. When making claims, plaintiffs should remember to adjust the demanded figure for current and future inflation.

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