What’s your Conspiracy?


Someone told me this week about a conspiracy theory based on something called Tartaria. Supposedly it’s an ancient civilization ruled by giants who used free energy and that existed until the 19th century in the central Asian land mass. Oh, and they built all of the nice buildings in the world too. I mean, this is just dumbfuckery on steroids but people believe this shit. And they believe it because, why the hell not? There’s nothing else to believe in, right?

As I responded to my friend, if you were God, would you want these people hanging out in heaven with you? No, me neither. Which is why He keeps a very tight ship. I suppose that’s what hell is – the knowledge that God judged you too short for this ride.

Another reader sent me a link to a piece at Frontpage Mag called, The Popular Belief that Empties Churches. The popular belief that the article refers to is the old cult of self esteem, well known and much written about at these parts.

Different people give different reasons for the decline of Christian belief, but for me the obvious reason is that Christians have replaced the idea of human sinfulness with the idea of human goodness. And when you do that, you undercut the whole rationale for Christianity—namely, that we are sinners in need of redemption. If human beings are good the way they are, then there is no need for a Savior to free us from our sins.

The Rousseauian belief that people are born good was resisted by the Catholic Church for centuries. Then, starting in the sixties, the idea of natural goodness suddenly became fashionable in the Church, particularly among Catholic educators, seminarians, and orders of nuns.

What happened?

Fucking Freemasons happened, that’s what happened. Let’s not pounce around mincing words here. Those bunch of fucks destroyed the mystery of the church to the extent that people believed in nothing which meant that they would eventually be susceptible to believing in just about anything. Like magical architectural realms whose name sounds like a Russian hooker in Bahrain.

We’re not intrinsically good. If you think we are then I have reality television to show you otherwise. Reality television is exactly what it purports to be; a ferocious window into the sheer banality of evil that exists in the hearts of all men. And people today aspire to get on reality television. That is their big goal in life. They aspire to evilness, just as long as it’s public evilness because then they’ll be somebody. Yes, I know: Goebbels was somebody too but that’s not going to stop them as they don’t even know who that cat was.

My whole shtick is dealing with truth. The search for what really is. Which is why my audience remains so very small because people fucking hate truth. And it’s why I am left alone by those pulling the strings because they know that my irrelevance renders me mostly harmless. Any attention that they did give me would only serve to grow my audience. It would give me credibility. And so my site numbers remain as they always have been.

What do I care? I’m not after the fame or the monies or the hawt chicks. Been there, done that. But some of you do follow me and you have seen my journey and where it has taken me. And some of you have drawn inspiration from that and done similar things. And the thing that I like best about that is that those same readers became equally determined not to be taken off track, not to suffer deliberate misdirection. They also want the truth, they need it in order to live because when you open up this box then you had better be prepared for what’s inside.

You see, when we lost true Christianity; when it was stolen from us, we lost mystery and wonder. And we also lost the joy of companionship on a spiritual journey. The cult of self esteem is very much a solitary endeavor, as it was purposely designed. Alone and locked inside our own heads. Then they invented a whole industry based on giving people drugs so that they wouldn’t go mad and eat off their own faces. And that same industry has succeeded in shutting down the world unless we succumb to their evil products.

They made the Church into a non-judgemental therapy center. Well, that just means that now it’s time to get judgemental. We have a whole lot of judging to catch up on. There are football stadiums of self righteous freaks and worthless sinners who need to be judged to hell and back again. All the fags and the fatties and the feminists and every other pinko queer piece of shit needs a slap across the face with a sperm whale of judgement. They need to know that they are worthless sinners and that their sins define them.

As we are also worthless sinners. Burst that bubble of belief in the goodness of human beings. Burst that bloated bubble of pride that skits atop the majority of people today, squatting like the overripe toad that it is. Get yourself to a real church in front of a real priest and confess your skins because of your abject fear of God. A God who judges. A God who sets high standards and expects us to live up to them.

We don’t need a mythical land called Tartaria. We’ve got our mythical land right here. A land where the vast majority of people live outside reality. It’s time to wake up. It’s time to reclaim your stolen Christian birthright. And it’s time to bring to battle those who did the stealing.

Originally published at Pushing Rubber Downhill. You can purchase Adam’s books here.