Muh Sanctions


Australia has announced a ‘first tranche’ of sanctions against the Russian government for its grievous sin of recognising the breakaway provinces of Luhansk and Donetsk. Apparently, Australia will be ‘standing up for Ukraine’. Please understand that Australia is doing this because it has been told to do so by its insect overlords in the United States.

The reason that we have dutifully followed America into every one of its wars post 1945, (except Grenada – the Yanks managed to get that big obstacle sorted out all on their own), is because Australia’s continued existence depends on furiously humping the leg of Big Brother across the Pacific, like a demented Scottish terrier running around a back garden barbeque gathering.

What’s laughable but mostly sad about the announcement of sanctions is how pathetic and meaningless it all is, in regards to Russia at least. Just what does Australia produce that Russians are going to wake up tomorrow slapping their faces in horror at the news that we have imposed sanctions upon them? Vegemite, perhaps? Reruns of Neighbours? Flat white coffee?

Australia is the smart economy, remember? That’s what they sold us back in the nineties when manufacturing was going tits up due to excessive regulation and government antipathy. We were all going to become the new laptop class and make money by sitting through meetings, sending emails and watching Debbie give another PowerPoint presentation on how she got her left tit caught in the mangle.

As always, what they sell us is the opposite of reality. So Australia is in fact the stupid economy. Because investing in fraud is not sustainable, so instead we’ve had to turn our hand to endlessly building houses for overseas students who get the right to live here after paying big bucks for a worthless education that they managed to score while not being able to speak a word of English. Oh, wait; that’s not sustainable either.

The fact is that the US and its cronies have been imposing sanctions on Russia since 2014 when the US engineered an illegal coup in Ukraine which overthrew the democratically elected government of the time. So much for muh democracies. In the intervening period, Russia has sanction-proofed its economy. It does not need to rely on global trade for its survival. It is self-sufficient.

Which is exactly where you want to be placed if an international war breaks out and cuts all the shipping lanes. This is the exact opposite position to what Australia would experience. We’ve got two weeks’ worth of fuel, kiddies – two weeks. I hope you all like harvesting wheat by hand.

While Australia’s position is ridiculous, Canada’s position is ludicrous as Trudeau announces sanctions against Russia while declaring that Canada is taking a stand against authoritarianism, thus demonstrating quite conclusively the ability of leftists to continue to function while harboring two completely opposing views in their heads at the same time.

But for the gold standard of stupidity in today’s rush to impose sanctions, everyone else takes a distant second place to Zee Germans. The Krauts have decided to cut off their noses to spite their dumb faces as they announced that they will not be ratifying the Nordstream 2 gas pipeline. Russia has already paid for the pipeline with the 10% increase in gas prices due to Europe’s belligerence, so everything after this is just gravy. So Zee Germans get to freeze off their fat bottoms along with the rest of Europe so they can make …

What point exactly?

Oh yes, muh democracies in action. Surely the most stupid form of government in existence. Thank God for those autocracies that give us all some faint hope.

Originally published at Pushing Rubber Downhill. You can purchase Adam’s books here.