Facebook Finally In Freefall


Everybody knows the story of how Facebook conveniently appeared months after an American government program to trawl personal information was scrapped. Looks like this intelligence gathering operation is finally losing steam:

Facebook’s devastating earnings report marked the end of a difficult year for the company, which has been battered by whistleblower allegations, a major global service outage, and protests and controversy over its policies.

Facebook reported on Wednesday that daily logins to its services dropped nearly 500,000 during the last three months of 2021, the first time in the company’s 18-year history that user activity has declined.

It sent Facebook shares plunging more than 20 percent, wiping more than $200 billion off the company’s market cap and erasing $29 billion from CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s net worth. 

Of all the leeches in the billionaire class, nobody had more people rooting for them to get sucker punched than Mark Zuckerberg. It’s beautiful.

It is a well established fact that the NPC meme was based on Mark Zuckerberg’s face.

However, note the way the issue of censorship is completely inverted:

In July, President Joe Biden said that Facebook is ‘killing people’ with misinformation about COVID-19 and vaccines, drawing a furious response from Facebook execs.

Biden’s remarks came in response to a reporter, who had asked about his message to ‘platforms like Facebook’.

‘They’re killing people,’ he said. ‘The only pandemic we have is among the un-vaccinated. And they’re killing people.’

The remarks drew fury at Facebook, and Biden later walked back his comments, saying that he was referring to the people who spread misinformation on social media, and not the company itself. 

In an interview with CBS This Morning host Gayle King, Zuckerberg rejected the notion that Facebook plays a significant role in discouraging vaccine uptake, insisting that ‘political leaders’ and the media are responsible.

‘If you look around the world in different countries – different countries are doing better or worse on getting their citizens vaccinated. And the US has a specific issue on this,’ Zuckerberg argued….

Protests against Facebook spread around the globe in 2021, regarding a number of the company’s policies and practices.

In September, demonstrators dressed as giant inflatable breasts protested outside Facebook’s headquarters in central London.

The protesters argued that medical tattoo artists and breast cancer survivors should be able to freely post images without being blocked and subsequently losing access to their accounts.

The simple fact of the matter is that it is impossible for any major public figure or media organisation which genuinely challenges the cabal to have any lasting impact on any mainstream social media platform.

The repeated pattern, looking at the experiences of Andrew Anglin, Alex Jones and now Joe Rogan is that if any alternative media figure becomes more popular than mainstream television, they are simply removed from mainstream social media and unpersoned.

Once they were able to get away with expelling Anglin and Jones they came for all the medium level influencers. There are now no significant Western nationalist leaders allowed on Facebook. From 2020 this policy was applied to anybody questioning Covid Tyranny.

The fact that there is still so much so-called “misinformation” being spread on Facebook reflects the fact that hundreds of millions of people still know the cabal is lying to us and are saying it among themselves. If Facebook were to ban everybody who opposed lockdowns and pointed out the adverse reactions from Covid not-vaccines, there would hardly be anyone left. So it removed the major nodes and does its best to suppress information which counters the Narrative of the elites through temporary bans and shadow bans.

The truth is, nobody should use any kind of social media.

It had some utility for about 8 years, as it helped elect fake left leaders like Kevin Rudd and Barack Obama, then fake right leaders such as Boris Johnson and Donald Trump. When the cabal realised that conservatives had learned to social media, and the most effective thought leaders were exploiting the algorithm to turn conservatives into nationalists into Christians, it hit the ban hammer.

It is folly to think that we will ever be able to build a system which rivals what Facebook was like in 2016. We had access to practically every normie on the planet and we dragged them away from photos of their lunches, videos of kittens being cute and children hurting themselves, to the truth about our censored history, the financial system and what the cabal gets up to when we’re not looking. As useful as Telegram and Gab are, they will never have the sheer scale of normies to either convert or mock, so they will never be as useful or as fun.

More to the point, social media drains our souls. We should use the internet as a means to speed up communication and information sharing, precisely so we can get off the internet sooner.

I have to regularly remind myself of this.

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