England: 6 year old boy labelled TRANSPHOBIC


This headline is real.

You can understand why many, rightly or wrongly, view Putin as a potential liberator from the scourge of (((Western))) values:

Primary school staff on the Isle of Wight warned a six-year-old boy’s parents that he may be deemed ‘transphobic’ if he were to question another pupil wearing a dress.

Sally and Nigel Rowe, whose sons attended a Church of England school, say they received a letter from the headteacher and chair of governors which declared pupils could be seen as transphobic if they showed ‘an inability to believe a transgender person is actually a ”real” female or male.’

They claim the letter also added that refusing to use a transgender pupil’s adopted name or gender appropriate pronouns would be considered ‘transphobic behaviour’.

It’s so stupid. Childhood should be about figuring out that just because cows can’t get enough of it, grass isn’t all it’s cracked up to be.

Perhaps they figure that if they can get away with it at university, why not try it on the kindies?

The Rowes pulled their children out of school in 2016 and 2017 after one of their sons came home confused that a boy in his class had begun inconsistently wearing a dress and identifying as a girl.

The couple, who now home-school both their children on the Isle of Wight, have objected to the guidance being given at their children’s former school and called for a judicial review of the Department for Education’s decision to provide guidelines on the issue to state schools.

They were granted permission for a judicial challenge and a hearing will take place later this year.

The Rowes told The Times that the letter they received from the school was ‘cold’ and did not attempt to address their concerns.

Mr Rowe said: ‘One of the main issues we struggled with in relation to the letter was that it said that if our six-year-old son did not recognise the other boy as a little girl or a little boy, then he would be deemed transphobic. And our son had to use the correct pronouns.

‘I don’t think that a six-year-old has the cognisant ability to work that out, especially if the child is gender fluid. And the letter also said that we as parents would be deemed to be transphobic if we didn’t accept that position.’

A DfE spokesman said: ‘We recognise that issues relating to gender identity can be complex and sensitive. Schools are best placed to work with parents, pupils and public services to decide what is best for individual children and what is best for all others in the school.’

The judicial review later this year will examine the DfE’s promotion of Cornwall Schools Transgender Guidance, which aims to support transgender pupils.

Note that this happened at a Church of England school. Pretty sure this is false teaching.

This is not an isolated incident. A few years ago a five year old was put on a sex offender’s register for hugging a girl in kindergarten:

A five-year-old boy with autism was reportedly put on a record as a sex offender after hugging his classmate.

Nursery school pupil Nathan was reported for hugging the child and his parents warned he would be placed on a record “for the rest of his life”, his family claim.

Nathan, who attends East Ridge Elementary in Chattanooga, Tennessee, U.S.A., was allegedly accused by teachers of overstepping a boundary.

Summery Putnam, Nathan’s guardian, told News Channel 9 , that she received a call from his teacher at the start of September.

She said the teacher told her he had been accused of “sexual activities” for hugging a child and kissing another child on the cheek.

If you wonder how people can be so stupid as to compulsively wear face nappies which they know are useless and restrict their breathing, just because a piece of paper stuck to the entrance of the supermarket orders you to do so, just take a look at how they prepped us for decades.

Even before a case of the sniffles with a 0.4% death rate was pretext enough to switch off the economy for two years, people were insisting that six year olds take games of make believe to a whole new level.

Hey at least we’re not speaking German. Russian sounds like a good option right about now though. Who cares if we lose the indoor plumbing in the process.

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