Our Civilisation Needs To Fall

Melbourne, circa 2025 AD.

In the Old Testament book of Exodus, God tells Pharaoh, via Moses, to let His people go. When Pharaoh refuses, God sends a series of plagues to warn him who he is messing with. Culminating in all the first born sons being killed and finally in the drowning of Pharaoh’s army in the Red Sea.

40 years later the Israelites emerge out of the wilderness and, with help from God, conquer all before them on both sides of the river Jordan and establish a huge kingdom of their own.

Hundreds of years later, God takes everything away from the descendants of Israel, all but a tiny remnants of a remnant are slaughtered and those left alive are enslaved once more, this time to Babylon.

One could ask, why didn’t God simply destroy the Egyptians and let the Israelites take over Egypt, rather than go through all the rigmarole. Or if you don’t believe in God’s interventions or in God generally, you may ask why didn’t Moses get his people to fight in the beginning, rather than running away for 40 years before waging war in a new land?

Regardless of your personal belief or disbelief in God, the answer is the same: When the Israelites fled Egypt they weren’t a unified people with an homogeneous belief and obedience to God and God’s laws. When they conquered the promised land, they were.

40 years in the wilderness being instructed to obey the laws laid out to them, changed them. Strengthened them and unified them with faith. They had stopped fearing lack of comforts. They were no longer whinging about their plight. They were a hardened, confident and united people who collectively put the will of God before their own petty concerns.

When we look at our own enslavement in the 21st century we can see history rhyming with the Old Testament. Whether we are looking at the Israelites conditioned to slavery in Egypt or the fall of the Israelites into slavery again hundreds of years later, we are all doing our own thing, worshiping our own Gods, just like they did.

Trying to rise up and overthrow our oppressors now, would be as futile as the Israelites trying to rise up and replace the rulers of Egypt. Trying to save Australia and reform it would be as doomed to failure as the few Godly Israelites trying to save Jerusalem before Babylon came calling.

Our society has become too corrupt and Godless to save and those who recognise and oppose the corruption are too weak and disjointed to overthrow them. Even if it could be done, how long after achieving it before we started fighting amongst ourselves? We are a motley Crüe of Catholics, Protestants, Atheists, Pagans and new age hippies only united in our opposition to vaccine mandates and perhaps Globalism, but divided on almost everything else. Even amongst our ideological or religious contemporaries issues such as Nationalism and race see us poles apart from one another.

If you haven’t realised by now that there is no political solution then you haven’t been paying attention. We are slaves and will be treated as slaves. Our voices don’t count and the slave masters feel confident in their ability to crush physical resistance.

Our civilisation needs to fall and we need to let it. Whilst we are waiting for that to happen we need to be getting out of the cities, growing some food, learning to fish and building local communities that are united by Christianity. Not cucked Church appeasers of the Government travesty for Christianity, but real Christianity with biblical scripture as its foundation. Scripture that’s not cherry picked so it’s harder to lie about it. In short, we need to escape the clutches of Pharaoh, harden up in the wilderness and unite under God again. We must build our cohesive Nation first, before we can overthrow our enemies.

If you’re still an Atheist I’ve got bad news for you. You are going to fail. You can’t unify anyone without faith. If you think the Bolsheviks succeeded, you’re wrong. They had faith in Judaism. It had simply been repacked so as to better trick the goyim. If you think Hitler succeeded, you are wrong.

Germany in the 1920’s and 1930’s has Christianity and belief in God already built into the population. It was part and parcel of the German culture and heritage that the Führer sought to protect. His failure was to take it for granted and not edify it in the Reich.

We may not have to wait 40 years before we are ready to go to war and slaughter our enemies so that no trace of their existence remains (and nothing less than this will be required in the end). Maybe it will be four years. Maybe it will be four months. Or maybe it won’t be in our lifetimes. That will depend on us. We don’t have to be given tablets of stone and a system of government, God already gave us that in the time of Moses. We don’t need to follow dozens of rituals, Christ gave us a much simpler path to obedience as well as true salvation. We have everything we need to unify around already. The only question is how long it will take us to do so?

When Jerusalem fell, the corruption of those entrusted by God to follow His commandments was replaced by authoritarian heathens of Babylon. What will our corrupt society be replaced by? Will China be our new Babylon? Or will the children of Christ turn back to God in time? Whether we return out of the wilderness to conquer our current rulers or whether our current rulers must be brought down by others first before we drive out the invader, will depend on how soon or late we learn our lesson.

History doesn’t repeat, the saying goes, but it does rhyme. The situations change but the principles and the lessons remain the same.

Our current situation rhymes with both ancient Egypt and ancient Jerusalem. We must escape our own civilisation instead of a foreign one. We must at some point reconquer our own land instead of a new one. But unifying under the same God is a must in all situations. No civilisation can be established or survive without a unified system of belief and faith. All of your morals and values that you currently hold today, have their foundation in Christianity and the Bible, whether you choose to accept this or not. All of the differences in our morals and values and beliefs exist because of turning away from this foundation and trying to pretend that we can create our own “truth” without consequence.

We can’t.

You can find Stephen Wells at Telegram and purchase his books here.