When The Hit Pieces Backfire


From Patriotic Alternative.

Over the last 48 hours a number of hit pieces about Patriotic Alternative have landed in the mainstream media. We had been expecting this to happen since the end of last week as we’d been contacted for statements by journalists from The Sunday Mirror, The Daily Mail and The Times. We find that various news outlets co-ordinate their attacks against us and all write the same thing at the same time, so the publicity we receive comes in waves. This weekend was no exception.

Amy Sharpe’s article in The Sunday Mirror worked out very well for us. Not only did we receive overwhelming support in the article’s comments section, but Amy also chose to use our “White British Minority by 2066” banner for the article thumbnail. This means a banner that cost us a mere £70 was plastered across a mainstream news website and their social media accounts and was also shown in the print version of the newspaper. You cannot pay for such publicity!

Like all of Sharpe’s previous articles about us, her latest is poorly written and incredibly over the top. I can’t imagine how any rational person could read the photo headings, “peak of paranoia”, “walk of shame” and “holiday of hate”, juxtaposed against peaceful images of people camping and hiking, along with quotes such as “Shockingly, children were taken along and “had a waterbomb fight and played football and hide and seek” at the hate-fuelled event.”, and not just burst into laughter.

Sancho is incorrectly called Sanchez by Amy Sharpe, a journalist who clearly cares a lot about him.

Upon checking the Patriotic Alternative website this morning, we had a number of contact form messages and registrations from new supporters wanting to join our organisation. Overall, contact form messages and registrations are up around 250% since The Sunday Mirror’s hit piece. Not a bad return for a left wing newspaper!

Following on from The Sunday Mirror’s hit piece, a few more articles materialised. These were in the local newspapers Staffordshire Live, Derbyshire Live, and also in the national newspaper, The Sun. The Sun’s article is written by a young female journalist called Alice Fuller and, much like Sharpe’s article, goes on to say that Patriotic Alternative supporters “abused” England footballers without giving a single example of this abuse. The only thing the article does highlight is the following paragraph about me:

“Laura, an open critic of the Black Lives Matter movement who opposes taking the knee, also insisted there is “no such thing as hate speech” but posted “diversity quite literally lost them the cup” after England’s defeat.”

I fail to see what’s wrong with anything I said here. Throughout the Euros, the mainstream media attached themselves to a narrative of immigration/diversity/multiculturalism will win England trophies (how many times did you see an image of only two players on the pitch alongside the quote “This is your team without immigration”?), so when their narrative backfired and their ideology fell apart, well they shouldn’t be surprised when people tell them they got it wrong. I’m not even interested in the football to be totally honest. I just thought it was funny that the pro-open borders narrative they tried to manufacture fell apart.

Besides, the majority of the abuse directed at the black England players came from outside of Britain:

We’re used to journalists lying, manufacturing information and misrepresenting Patriotic Alternative, but Alice Fuller really does stand out as being totally shameless. At one point in her article for The Sun, Fuller writes:

“They [Patriotic Alternative] were among hundreds of racist morons who began attacking three of the team’s black players with monkey emojis and vile abuse.”

Of course, this is an outright lie. There is no evidence that anybody associated with Patriotic Alternative sent monkey emojis to any footballer, and Alice Fuller provides no evidence of this in her article. I have emailed Fuller asking her to correct this lie and will update this article if she responds, although I won’t hold my breath. If you’d like to contact Fuller yourself, you can use her Twitter account, or email her on: alice.fuller@the-sun.co.uk.

Overall, thanks to the news outlets listed above, this has been a great weekend for publicity for Patriotic Alternative.