But we have to do something

Close up of Vaccinated asian teen girl in face mask showing plaster bandage on her arm after getting covid-19 vaccine injection on yellow studio background.

With the climate change scam I thought that the world was divided between those who believed in the lies and those who wanted to seek out the truth. But the climate scam was a mere warm up, a kiddies football match before the main event, if you like, in comparison to the utter juggernaut that is the Covid scam. The two deceptions have similarities, both in scale and in the easy availability of contrary evidence. But what has made Covid so effective is that it is personal. As in, personal right here and now.

You could die. Tomorrow. Supposedly.

Whereas the climate scam was terror for future generations, which is pretend bad if you indulge in the modern moral code of virtue signaling, but in reality it’s a load of hokum dressed up as the weather. So the terror factor on a personal level for the vast majority of the population that hadn’t chosen to live in the middle of the fucking desert was somewhat, meh.

The climate scam meant that people wanted something done tomorrow. The Covid scam has meant that people want something done, right now.

Vox Day has given up on trying to talk people out of getting the vaxx.

One thing I have observed is that pretty much all the contrarians I know who read alternative news of one sort or another have refused to take the vaxx and cannot be pressured into do so, while everyone else is hell-bent on taking it as soon as possible. So, I don’t worry about it. I’ve made my opinion known whenever asked – that it is reprehensibly stupid and indicative of both a Darwinian lack of fitness and a complete inability to calculate risk/reward ratios – but otherwise I don’t talk about it anymore with anyone.

I have given up as well. I can almost count the number of people that I know who are not getting the vaxx on one hand. While it has been fun to state that I was a member of the control group, it’s getting a little tired. Yesterday, a woman told me that she had got the vaxx and that she had been sick all weekend. I told her that she’ll be lucky if that’s all that she gets and that I wouldn’t put that poison abortion sludge in my arm for all the money in the world.

She spluttered that getting the vaxx was better than doing nothing.

Au contraire, I replied. Doing nothing in this case is a most sensible decision. In fact, I have a long history of doing nothing in many varied and tumultuous circumstances. Doing nothing has saved my butt on many occasions. I like to take a step back and observe the crowd in action, to feel its rhythms, and to contemplate its varied levels of wrongness.

But this urge to do something, rather than doing nothing, goes to the heart of the deception. Because it is so personal – a plague – then it requires immediate action. Somebody must do something. Then in dances the charlatan with his magic cure that your taxpayer dollars have already paid for so it’s free! (another marvelous and heartwarming magic show in itself), and then they all jump for it.

The Dutch, in particular, greatly value something that appears to be free. They have gone from diehard Covid skeptics to massive fans of the vaxx in just a few months, if you believe the daily press bulletins.

Health minister Hugo de Jonge said at last week’s press conference that targeted messages would be aimed at the under-25 age group, 76% of whom said they are willing to have the coronavirus jab. Poorer communities and ethnic minorities are also less willing to be immunised, according to surveys, and more likely to be deterred because they cannot travel to vaccination centres or have difficulties understanding the system.

The health ministry has set a target of immunising at least 85% of the adult population. Latest surveys show 87% have either been vaccinated already or intend to have the jab, but health experts fear that a ‘vaccination gap’, with concentrations of unvaccinated adults in some communities, will undermine collective immunity.

To entice people into getting the jab, the Dutch have eschewed doughnuts and lottery tickets and gone for more wholesome and local alternatives.

Other health boards have used gimmicks to persuade more people to take up the vaccine. Rotterdam has set up a ‘selfie wall’ to encourage young people to share pictures of their vaccinated arms on social media. The Hollands-Midden region, which includes Leiden, handed out free ice-creams, Utrecht has put on live classical music in the waiting room at TivoliVredenburg, while the fishing port of IJmuiden dangled traditional soused herring over people’s noses.

Live classical music while you slowly ride down the conveyor belt to the rotating knives at your local vaxx abattoir. High civilized. How positively urbane.

Vox is right. You cannot convince someone who believes in the vaxx not to take it. They are spellbound. They are emotionally invested. They just want their old lives back and they will do whatever it takes to get that bone.

Well, I’m here to tell you that either way, we’re not getting our old lives back. Us anti-vaxxers understand this. I’m not smug that those around me have fallen for the lies. I am deeply sad. Almost everyone that I know and value, friends and family and colleagues, have gone along with the prevailing putrid wisdom. In all my many years of being a contrarian I would most hope that on this point I would be proved wrong. But in my heart I know that I am right.

It’s a lonely old life with those who seek the true and good. Who knows how this will turn out.

Originally published at Pushing Rubber Downhill. You can purchase AdamKs books here.