What happened to One Nation?


One Nation’s chief of staff James Ashby let rip on the ABC, saying ‘fishermen will be raped’ in the aftermath of the Queensland election where Labor made gains due to ‘Covid fear’ and One Nation lost ground. Ashby blamed the loss on ABC coverage and the loss of regional newspapers for their poor election results.

However, in recent years One Nation has “moderated” its message, ie cucked; it twice sided against Fraser Anning’s attempts to introduce a Bill into Parliament to give Australians a direct vote on immigration, and they have even fielded Asian candidates.

Perhaps One Nation should listen to David Hiscox of XYZ fame’s analysis of the situation, before blaming the totally ‘unbiased’ private and public Globalist media outlets who are the bulwark of our ‘democracy’. Sarcasm alert.

“The so called FAARR RIIGGHHTT keeps learning over and over again. We get censored heavily and face full institutional resistance. Then a snake comes along and tells us that the reason we are struggling to garner mass support is because we need to moderate our message so we don’t scare everybody off. In doing so we ditch the whole reason we ever existed and lose support. The same snake then turns around and says “we lost because of all those extreme things we said.” It is a very clever strategy the enemy plays.”

Interestingly, although Trump represents the tired old Republican Party in the US that is just as corrupt as the Democrats, he understands that the Globalist media is his greatest enemy so he plays harder than most FFAARR RRIIGGHHTT parties just to be noticed. He worked out how to use the media’s Fake News against them in clever Jujitsu moves.

No-one is saying it is easy to take on a media monopoly and still get elected, but I think we can all agree that the history of Australia is littered with rotten carcasses of co-opted and cuckholded nationalist parties that tried to go mainstream before losing relevance.

Perhaps Australia will be saved by Britain’s ‘Patriotic Alternative Party’. This is a party that never cucks. This Party headed by Mark Collett and Laura Towler is an inspiration to all Australian Patriots.