Tits Shorten flops his flappy tits everywhere on pointless roadtrip


Bill Shorten has disgusting flappy tits and whenever I see him it really is all I can see.

What the hell is he doing in Holbrook? We’re supposed to be in lockdown.

Okay I get it, you’re on your way to work. Just go easy on the carbs, Bill:

Now that we don’t have to worry about a rapist residing at Kirribilli his boobs are all that Bill has left, and we can all rest easier and just make tit jokes. It is more than a little funny though that he is still whoring himself out on social media. This isn’t the social media-ing of somebody who seems happy to see out the end of his political career on the back bench. Perhaps he thinks he is still in with a chance, given that opposition leader Anthony Albanese is plummeting in the polls, having first declared Labor’s undying support for the Liberal government in a time of crisis, then promptly breaking the promise.

Almost like it was planned all along.

And just like that, the snake reemerges. Psychopaths are relentless, and must be purged without mercy. At the very least to save us from having to watch Bill’s bazookas bounce every time he bangs his fist up and down:

So now he expects us to believe that he is an economic nationalist. It’s about as believable as China’s Chinese Coronavirus death count.

The Labor Party and the Liberal Party are a duopoly who have sold Australians out. Labor has made Australia’s business, industry and energy sector uncompetitive through endless regulation and its subservience to unions and the Greens. The Liberal Party have placed the illusion of economic success ahead of defending foundational civilisational principles such as the Patriarchy, the right to life, and the sanctity of marriage. Both Liberal and Labor have betrayed the Australian people through the policy of mass immigration.

Their disastrous policies will lead us to war and great suffering. Both must be purged, utterly.

And for goodness sake Bill, get some liposuction.