The most important video you will watch this Anzac Day


On October 1, 2019, the Chinese Communist flag was raised above Box Hill police station in Melbourne’s east to commemorate the Chinese Communist Party’s victory in the Chinese Civil War. Box Hill is a suburb in which many of the native Anglo-Celtic Australians have been replaced by Chinese people. The federal seat of Chisholm, in which it resides, was a race between two Chinese women representing both Liberal and Labor at the 2019 federal election, and they are both reported to have links to the Chinese Communist Party.

Thus the raising of the Chinese flag was a symbol of occupation, and it was rightly opposed by several community groups.

On October 3, Tom Sewell led a contingent of Australian nationalists to Box Hill Police Station, and gave one of the most important speeches by an Australian political leader I have heard.

His opening words encapsulate our situation:

“Anderson, Bennett, Blake, Chapman, Cook, Davey, Ellingworth, Griffiths, Jones, Kilpatrick, Lawson, Mills, Nelson.

He was naming some of the men whose names are inscribed on the war memorial nearby.

All Anglo-Celtic Australian.

In the deep past, when a country went to war it risked annihilation. When a city was taken, its men were slaughtered and the surviving women and children would be hauled away as slaves. New names would enter a city which the victors chose not to raise to the ground.

What was the point then of our ancestors going to war, multiple wars, and supposedly winning those wars, if our names are to be replaced? What did our ancestors fight for if the fruits of their victory look like defeat?

This video uses footage taken by Matty’s Modern Life. I like what they have done with it. This speech matters.