Coronavirus brings back White Australia Policy

Hail ScoMo.
Hail ScoMo.

This is glorious. Wuflu has achieved what two centuries of committed racism could not. We finally found a way to stop Chinese people coming to Australia.

From the Australian:

The federal government will deny entry to Australia to travellers who have left or passed through mainland China amid the rush to contain the global spread of the deadly coronavirus, of which 12 cases have been confirmed in Australia.

Australian citizens, permanent residents and their immediate family, legal guardians and spouses will be excepted from the strict measures, announced by Scott Morrison on Saturday.

Fraser Anning strikes back.

The government has also raised its advice level, warning travellers simply: “Do not go to China”.

While they’re at it, how about telling all foreigners, “Do not come to Australia”.

“In addition to that, there’ll be advanced screening and reception arrangements put into place at the major airports to facilitate identifying and providing this information and ensuring the appropriate precautions are being put in place,” Prime Minister Morrison told a press conference in Sydney.

The XYZ has uncovered secret footage of what said “appropriate precautions” entail:

The travel ban comes after Qantas announced it would suspend its direct routes from China, and Queensland Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk called for all incoming flights from the country to be halted altogether until the virus was contained.

“I don’t often agree with Donald Trump, but I do agree with the US authorities on this occasion that I think we should take every measure possible to combat this virus,” the Premier said in reference to measures taken by the United States to contain the outbreak.

Make Australia Great Again. I am so happy. All we need now is to start putting them in camps…

Oh goody.

From the Guardian:

Australia has unveiled plans to evacuate some of its nationals from Wuhan and the surrounding Hubei province, flying the most “isolated and vulnerable” of 600 citizens to quarantine on Christmas Island.

In a joint operation with New Zealand, which has about 50 citizens in the city at the epicentre of the global coronavirus outbreak, Australians will be evacuated from the locked-down city on a “last-in first-out” basis.

Christmas Island, located 2,600km from the Australian mainland in the Indian Ocean, is the site of a notorious immigration detention facility that currently houses a Sri Lankan family of four.

All those who are evacuated on the charter flight will be quarantined in the detention centre for up to 14 days, the internationally recognised incubation period for the virus.

The left are losing their proverbial.

I propose we put Tim Shitpossum on Christmas Island for the good of all Australians. Not because of any concern over contagion, but because it would be fun.

There is talk that this virus has been genetically engineered in secret government labs, and that there is a strain of HIV in it to boot. Adam Piggott suggests that this is all a storm in a teacup, especially compared to the annual death toll from the flu.

Frankly my dear I don’t give a damn. If this is all a big panic, I am going to yell “fire” in the crowded theatre. We’ve been waiting years for an Australian government to do this. Now all we have to do is make the ban permanent, and apply it to every other foreign race.

And once that is in place, you all know what that means. We can get back to enjoying what Australia was always meant to be about. Bikini girls at the cricket.