XYZ Live #99 – Last Stream of the Year and it’s Totally NOT Africans!


After a grandfather was brutally bashed on Christmas Day in Mooroolbark, in Melbourne’s east, a relative claimed in an inteview on 3AW that he was bashed by a group of Africans. The media has since claimed that this claim was not true, but the language they have used to make this claim, and the way in which several spokespeople for Africans in Australia have claimed that often Africans are blamed when none are involved, gives the strong impression of a cover-up.

We also discussed the murder of yet another Jewish person by a black person, and Coles’ new Chinese logo.

Join the Uncuckables gang tonight as we recap 2019. We will be livestreaming between 9:00 and 10:30 PM AEDT.