The Australian admits Chinese are here to colonise


The Australian has just launched into a six part series pointing out that ethnic Chinese living in places outside China feel a stronger sense of connection to their homeland of China than their host country. The headline is so clear I am amazed the globalists running the show let it through:

Screenshot from the Australian.

“China charges to future by descent.”

Descent is race.

The comments by the Chinese interviewees in this piece are blatant. Let’s let them speak for themselves.

From the Australian:

Tony Wang is the new face of the ­diaspora of 60 million people of Chinese descent living overseas.

Young, intelligent and well travelled, Mr Wang is fiercely proud of the economic miracle that has transformed his homeland in the 17 years since he moved to Singapore with his parents when he was 13 years old.

“His homeland.” Not Singapore. China.

Mr Wang is sure that one day he and his parents will return to China to retire. He has a utopian view of global affairs, does not mind being spied upon online, thinks protesters in Hong Kong lack respect and that one world government is the answer to international problems, including climate change..

“People misunderstand the Chinese,” Mr Wang says. “We are opening our hearts to all of the world. I choose still to be Chinese because I wish for the future in China to get better. It is good now but it will get better.”

He is happy to forgo the false promises of so-called democracy in return for a deeper connection to his people and his country. We used to deride such Confucian collectivism. As our society disintegrates, it looks like a wise move after all.

Mr Wang’s views underscore debate about how China’s attitude might be changing towards overseas Chinese communities. In the past, Chinese who took citizenship elsewhere were shunned by the mainland and forced to give up their Chinese passport.

The new attitude of the Communist Party is to encourage overseas Chinese to maintain their links. In China, there is a saying that “falling leaves will return to the roots”.

Chinese President Xi Jinping has publicly emphasised the need to bring together people of ­Chinese descent around the world to enjoy the “Chinese dream”.

The civic nationalist multicultural idea that Chinese people who come here are “Chinese-Australians” is ridiculous, for the simple reason that the Chinese do not see themselves that way. Chinese people are Chinese and they see themselves as Chinese. There is no point dismissing this point as “racist” when that is precisely what Chinese people and the Chinese government actually say. White people are literally the only people in the world who believe in the concept of “Chinese-Australians”. There is a reason they call us Baizou.

China’s rising economic power and progress is changing the perception of a generation…

It is hard to overstate the change that Mr Wang’s attitude represents for Singapore, where the authoritarian government still works tirelessly to enforce ethnic cohesion and encourage a national identity above all else.

Foreign interference remains the key concern of Singapore’s ruling elite. More than 70 per cent of Singapore’s population of 5.5 million can trace their roots to China…

Academics insist that few of the ethnic Chinese living in Singapore would identify as being Chinese rather than Singaporean first, but the number is rising as a generation less aware of earlier hardships increasingly chooses to maintain its Chinese passports and citizenship.

Singapore wants to encourage the new generation of sharp brains from China to maintain its strictly controlled ethnic mix both for cultural and political reasons. Eighty per cent of Singaporeans live in state-owned unit blocks that each have strict quotas of Chinese, Malays and Indians. The food stalls in hawker centres enforce an equally strict quota system.

In a country where public displays of dissent are outlawed and strictly punished, there are ­bubbling tensions about what is sometimes perceived as favourable treatment for newly arrived Chinese.

Almost like diversity isn’t a strength.

As the diaspora changes and China exerts a bigger global influence, Singapore is being forced to adapt to a new reality. The city state is being pressured to support China’s expansion into the South China Sea but has so far declined to do so.

Mr Lee says China’s rise is inevitable and it is neither possible nor wise for the US to seek to prevent it. But he says that as a rising global power, China needs to put itself in other countries’ shoes and take greater account of their interests and viewpoints.

This argument is thousands of years old, and it loses every time. I am pretty sure the Chinese would respond as once did the Athenians:

“For ourselves, we shall not trouble you with specious pretences- either of how we have a right to our empire because we overthrew the Mede, or are now attacking you because of wrong that you have done us- and make a long speech which would not be believed; and in return we hope that you… will aim at what is feasible, holding in view the real sentiments of us both; since you know as well as we do that right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must.”

The Fall of Singapore in February 1942 signalled the waning of British power in the East and confirmed the rise of a new Asian powerhouse which was only defeated at great cost. Singapore is a hopelessly multicultural city-state with a fake national identity and a Chinese majority, in close proximity to mainland China in an era when China is ready to expand. It will fall just as it did in 1942, and its Chinese occupation will last much longer than the Japanese one.

Hong Kong is the beta run for Singapore, and Singapore will be the beta run for Sydney and Melbourne. It is stupid to call our pioneering ancestors who built Australia “colonists”, yet label the Chinese who live in Australia as “Chinese-Australians”. They are Chinese colonists, staking out their lebensraum, convinced by their own manifest destiny to toil at their yellow man’s burden.

Still not convinced? Let’s go in for the nuke:

Mr Wang says he cried as he watched the choreographed display of China’s military power at the October 1 celebrations for the 70th anniversary of the Communist Party.

“This has not been an easy achievement,” he says.

Having spent his primary school years in China, Mr Wang provides a window into the thinking of the youth of modern China. “Our religion is ourself and our government,” he says.

He adds that China is returning to its rightful place.

“For most of the last 3000 years, we have been the most prosperous and easily No 1 but over the past 200 years we have slipped back,” he says.

“Rising means poor to rich but coming back is to restore what has been.”

Let’s repeat the key point:

“Our religion is ourself and our government.”

Bugger it, I’m going to repeat that again.

“Our religion is ourself and our government.”

I’ll leave the rest to Tom Sewell.