XYZ Live #50 – Fraser Anning starts a Party and the Left cry when they want to


Tim Wilms from The Unshackled joined us on Monday night as we continued our dissection of the St Kilda Nazi Beach Party Saturday week ago. Key topics included:

  • Facebook employing Charlottesville tactics, censoring independent media immediately after the event.
  • The breakdown of the MSM “nazi” narrative, given that traffic to both The XYZ and The Unshackled has spiked, and the comments sections of MSM publications are largely with the patriots.
  • King Anning The Uncuckable and his plans for a new political party, the Conservative National Party.

The tangent for the night involved a discussion of Propertarianism.

We experienced technical difficulties again, thus part 1 below is a little wobbly, but part 2, which contains the bulk of our material, runs just fine.
