Great Britain says no to Syrian Christians


Globalists have produced a glut of documentaries and advertisements about the “diversity” of the Middle East which transmit the message, either explicit or implicit, that to view the Middle East as an unrepentable mess of jihadis who spontaneously combust from the age of four onward, is ignorant.

Here are just some that I found:

“This will scare the white in you” and “They are a beautiful people with a beautiful culture and beautiful food.”


“Islam slowly integrated with other cultures”. Got it. Now cut your penis off, white man.

Looks like the British Home Office didn’t get the “diversity” memo:

“There were 1,112 Syrian refugees resettled in the UK in the first three months of the year.

The Home Office now admits that there was not a single Christian among them, Premier Christian Radio reports.

The information, including the rejection of Christian applicants, came to light following a freedom of information request by the Barnabas Fund – a charity that supports persecuted Christians.

Only Muslim refugee applicants from the war-torn country have been accepted and resettled.”

This is according to form. Last year, 11 Syrian Christians got in:

“The statement by the charity said: “As Barnabas Fund recently reported, of the 7,060 Syrian refugees the UNHCR recommended to the UK in 2017 only 25 were Christians (0.35 per cent). However, the Home Office only accepted eleven of these – meaning that Christians made up only 0.23 per cent of Syrian refugees resettled in the UK last year.”

Do we need affirmative action for Syrian Christians? Didn’t anybody watch the PepsiCo ad? Not everybody from the Middle East, let alone Syria, is a muslim. The Middle East is diveeeeeerse!  What is the actual proportion of Christians in Syria?  I didn’t actually look it up.

Here’s why:

“..of the 7,060 Syrian refugees the UNHCR recommended to the UK in 2017..”

We know there are other conflicts in the world, droughts, natural disasters and such. But the Syrian Civil War is elevated by the globalists as the number one cause of the European Migrant Crisis barbarian invasion of Europe. When it kicked off we had to let in all the child refugees from Syria because it was our fault for not intervening and saving them, and when we intervened we had to let in all the child refugees from Syria because it was our fault for intervening in Middle Eastern affairs.

We could look up the total number of “refugees” let into Great Britain, but you quickly get bogged down in different pressure groups’ definitions of the difference between a “refugee” and “asylum seeker” and all the different ways to measure the numbers.

The only stat that matters is the total number of people let in to Great Britain in 2017. This is because the Syrian Civil War is not only elevated as the number one cause of the European Migrant Crisis barbarian invasion of Europe, it is used as the number one psychological tool to guilt-trip the people of Europe into allowing the invasion of their countries. The conflict receives saturation coverage, the purpose being to conflate every source of migrant inflows barbarian invasion into Europe with the conflict in Syria.

Question the flow of economic migrants barbarian invaders from Pakistan, you may as well have gassed that little Syrian kid.

Suggest that not everybody who comes from Eritrea is an aspiring lawyer, dentist or brain surgeon, you practically held Alan Kurdi under.

Photo by Defend International

So how many people were let into Great Britain in 2017?



11 of them were Syrian Christian refugees.

Whatever this is, it has nothing to do with humanitarianism.