Australia’s immigration rate is twice the level of Britain and the USA


Originally published May 17, 2017.

In my post the other week titled Europe versus Australia I outlined the reasons why I think that Europe is better placed to survive the progressive assaults of multiculturalism than is Australia. Regular commenter Brandon agreed with me and pointed out that Britain is particularly vulnerable as well.

“I think Britain is actually weaker than mainland Europe due to the cultural Marxists ascendency in the BBC and the political class. The English have been cut off from their history and uniquely denied a legitimate nationalism. Education and Academia have a huge responsibility for this global and leftist indoctrination.”

As I replied to him, it is interesting that the countries that appear most susceptible to the multicultural infestation are those with a dominion connection to Great Britain – Australia, New Zealand, Canada, and Britain itself, of course.

But a recent article in the New York Times of all places, puts into stark relief the peril that Australia is facing.

“But outside of regular swings of the pendulum, Australians have been drifting leftward for 20 years now. In 1996, the Australian Election Study found, typical voters identified a little to the right of center. By 2010, they saw themselves as neither right nor left, and in 2016, they were to the left of center.

“The key to unlocking the shift in attitudes is the 26 years of uninterrupted economic growth in Australia. It has unleashed the two reinforcing demographic trends that tilt an electorate to the left: booming cities and mass migration.”

What the article leaves out is that the political class has actively cultivated this mass immigration over that time period. Pauline Hanson warned us back in 1996 that Australia was in danger of being “swamped by Asians”, a warning for which she was ridiculed. But the warning was prescient.

“In 1996, the population had 13.2 million locally born Australians and 4.5 million overseas-born. English-speaking migrants from Britain, Ireland, New Zealand and South Africa numbered almost 1.5 million, or a third of the total. The European-born accounted for another one million, while the Asian-born were just under 860,000.

“Twenty years on, the Asian-born are Australia’s largest immigrant community at 2.6 million. People from the four English-speaking countries number 2.1 million, while those from continental Europe are at 1.1 million. The new arrivals from China and India are increasingly likely to land in major cities in relatively high-income areas once held by the Liberal Party.”

Those figures do not include children born in Australia to those overseas born family units. If those numbers were included then it would be looking far worse than these stats as presented here. It’s why at the end of the school day you can stand outside the venerable school institution that is Melbourne high school and 95% of the students that emerge are Asian.

“Migrants are now about 29 percent of Australia’s population. This is more than double the number of the overseas-born populations in the United States and Britain.

Boom. Double boom. Double boom with a boom cherry on top.

Many popular commenters have been drawing attention to the number of immigrants in places like the USA. But very few of us are talking about Australia, and yet it is this country which is leading the world in the mass immigration and multicultural stakes. My piece on Europe versus Australia got lambasted online here in my home country. Not on the economic points that I made – Australians were in clear agreement with my conclusions there – but with my points on Australia’s ability to survive the demographic nightmare that it has brought upon itself.

Brought upon itself by our politicians. It was the conservative Liberal party that were in power for over a decade up to 2007, and they have since been in power when they won the election in 2013. But the immigration numbers do not show any signs of slowing down.

And yet when I pointed out that culturally we as a nation are much more vulnerable than Europe, and I specifically did not include Britain in that appraisal, my fellow Australians poured scorn on my arguments. But our immigration rates are not only higher than continental Europe, they are twice the rate of Britain, a country that we look upon here as being in deep trouble in this regard.

There has been much dismay in conservative circles over last week’s federal budget, a budget which would do any progressive Left government proud. While I do not think that prime minister Malcolm Turnbull has much strategic sense, he did manage to wrest the leadership off Tony Abbott, a position which he has since held. This big spending, big taxing, socialist budget from a conservative government is simply a clear message that the Liberal party understands which way the demographic numbers now swing.

“An early sign of the ability of immigrants and urban dwellers to redraw the political map came in 2007 when Chinese and Indian Australians helped defeat the Liberal Prime Minister John Howard in his own seat of Bennelong, in Sydney’s affluent northwest.”

The Liberal party has shifted left to reflect our multicultural reality. If they can retain the huge numbers of people living here who were born overseas then they might be able to stay in power. In reality I am quite sure that this is what Turnbull wants. Remember, this man headed the republican movement in the late 90s. Although the vote to sever our ties with Great Britain was defeated then, what better way to ensure a future victory by bringing in hordes of foreigners who care not one whit whether Australia remains in the Commonwealth or goes towards some nebulous republican model.

Almost 30 percent of Australia’s population were born overseas. Australia is the world’s most successful multicultural society, and as I stated in my earlier piece, that is something to be very worried about indeed.

This article was originally published at, where Adam Piggott publishes regularly and brilliantly. You can purchase Adam’s books here.

Photo by *Jezza