Happy Easter from XYZ


The XYZ will be going into holiday mode for the Easter long weekend, with an encore or light article on the mornings of Friday, Saturday and Monday, and a possible flurry on Sunday morning for no particular reason whatsoever.

We will still be posting to our social media accounts at Facebook, Minds, Twitter and Gab, but if you want to get your morning XYZ fix on schedule then come to The XYZ site itself.

If World War 3 breaks out before Tuesday we will log in long enough to inform everybody that it was socialism, not racism that caused it, and we will be conducting our regular Monday night livestream at the YouTube channel of Matty’s Modern Life at 9pm, to talk about God – seems appropriate.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank all of XYZ’s readers, contributors sponsors and financial backers. Whether you wish to destroy the left, defend liberty, enjoy the decline, or secure the existence of our people, we here at The XYZ are determined to see it through.

David Hiscox.

Photo by mikecogh