Death and Equality


The other day I heard Saint-Säen’s Danse Macabre on the radio while driving to work.

It is the ‘dance of death’. If you watch this video, you’ll see art from the Middle Ages that depicts dancing skeletons dragging off people from all walks of life – rich and poor, popes, emperors, peasants, young and old alike. Nobody is exempt.

What struck me most about this song was the last two lines:

O la belle nuit pour le pauvre monde!
Vive la mort … et l’egalité!

Which may be translated:

Oh, the beautiful night for the poor world!
Long live death… and equality!

Remember that line. No matter the inequalities of income, age, class, religion and etc., we are all equally subject to death.

And while we are living on this earth, the only truly comprehensive equality we will find … is in death.

Has anybody told the communists?

Long live death… and equality.

It’s your XYZ.