The sins of multiculturalism – suffer the children


My article from yesterday was cross-posted at XYZ magazine where I received a reply in the form of a comment from Matty’s Modern Life. He brings up multiple points that I am going to address in different articles. Today’s topic will be centered around the consequences of our actions.

The essential core of alt right thinking is an embrace of truth, no matter how unpleasant this may be on a personal level. Matty’s core area of expertise, and one that he talks about with considerable skill, is economics. As far as economics goes, Matty is right on target. He has seen through the Keynesian theory nonsense that has been propagated for the past 70 years. I give him a lot of credit for that, and I encourage you to check out his videos on the subject.

But every step along the red pill journey is fraught with danger. And there is no greater obstacle to breaking through to essential truths than when personal indiscretions and anecdotes get in your way:

“Race is culture.”

“Not true at all, I’ve met plenty of people with two Asian parents who are as Australian as it gets.”

There was another comment further down the piece from a different commenter in a similar vein:

“I had a recent example last week working with a guy who looked Chinese, but if not for his appearance, I would never have known. Everything about him made me feel like I was talking with a fellow Aussie, even though he was born to Chinese parents up near Dubbo (running the Chinese restaurant out of a local RSL). Other personal examples come from my time in the military, where people of different races all follow that same army culture (for the most part).”

This is the false argument that biological realism proponents encounter on a regular basis. Whenever I write an article it is guaranteed that someone will write something similar. It is the equivalent of the “Not all women are like that” line that one sees when pointing out general traits concerning female behavior.

When discussing biological realities one always has to revert to the mean, much like as we do when discussing economics. I myself also know a number of people of Asian descent who have assimilated exceedingly well into Australian society, but these exceptions merely prove the general rule. If they weren’t exceptions then people wouldn’t make such a big deal of them.

If these exceptions were in fact valid in a general sense then that would mean that by default I would not be able to walk down any street in inner city Sydney and observe a single sign written in some form of Asian language. But as we all know, the opposite of this is the actual reality.

A local council sign in Sydney.

In order to help people understand this point it can be instructive to turn the examples around. As native Australians it is all too easy to fall into the trap of assuming that foreigners that immigrate to Australia can easily become Australians because we ourselves are Australians – how hard can it be? Just discard your nationality and culture and let our Australian blanket settle comfortably around your shoulders.

Let’s reverse this. For whatever reason that you like, you have recently made a permanent move to China. You now have to become Chinese. More to the point, your kids have to become Chinese. The Chinese also need to accept you as Chinese. Do you think that you would submerge yourself in the Chinese culture and language or do you suspect that you might just end up at the local expat club where over gin and tonics you have a good bitch and moan about the slanty eyed devils?

I lived for ten years in a mountain village in Italy. All of my friends, associates, and colleagues were Italian. I learnt to speak fluent Italian. I had Italian girlfriends. But the thought never for once entered my mind that I was able to become Italian, let alone some bastard made up multicultural idiocy such as “Australian-Italian”. And if I were to have announced to my Italian friends that I was now Italian, they would have rightly assumed that I had lost my marbles.

Why is it that Italians or Chinese people would never accept lunacy such as “Australian-Italian” or “Australian-Chinese” but in Australia we submit to these falsehoods with barely a murmur? The other Anglo-Saxon countries around the world submit to them as well. It is a uniquely Anglo-Saxon disease. Could it stem from a deep sense of collective guilt at our own ancestors creating the greatest civilisation that the world has ever seen? In the face of what they did we seem inadequate. Nations need to compensate just like people. Perhaps the thinking goes that if we let in everyone and anyone and let them play with our toys then they will like us:

“They also tend to marry white people and have mixed kids, what do we do with all the mixed children in the ethnostate, including my own mixed kid?”

Bad choices and bad decisions occur on both a national and personal level. In times past the half caste or mulatto offspring of mixed race parents were rightly ostracized. Xavier Herbert’s outstanding novel Capricornia gives detailed insight of the burdens that such children had to endure over their lives. A high profile recent example of this is former AFL sportsman Adam Goodes. The product of an English father and an aboriginal mother, Goodes struggled to reconcile his lack of sense of place in his professional career, which led to many embarrassing confrontations with the public.

There are no consequence-free outcomes for bad decisions. A bad decision inherently implies that there will be unwelcome consequences. If there were not then by default it would cease to be a poor decision. Mixed race children are a glaring example of why Australia’s 40 year push for multiculturalism was a terrible idea. The very fact that Matty has to pose the question of what to do with them betrays this unpalatable truth. Our forefathers knew and understood this, which was why they were ostracized. Back in the day, if you worked for the British Colonial Office there was no greater sin than “going native”. The wonderful novels of Graham Greene abound with these hard lessons.

I am sure that Matty would rightly deplore the suggestion that national economic policy should be set based on an individual’s own poor economic decisions, but that is exactly what he is attempting to do when he writes about what to do about his own mixed race child. After 40 years of multiculturalism, unfettered immigration, and civic nationalism, there is no get out of jail free card.

The consequences of this terrible policy will have to be borne on the national and on the personal level. But that is only if we begin taking steps to rectify the situation. The consequences of leaving things as they are will be infinitely worse, and we are beginning to really see that happening now.

This article was originally published at, where Adam Piggott publishes regularly and brilliantly. You can purchase Adam’s books here.