Quote of the Day: Star Wars needs more diversity, not less


Here is something to whet the appetite of XYZ readers in anticipation of the publication, in the next couple of days, of our FAQ podcast on the latest instalment of Soy Wars, I mean Star Wars: The Last Jedi.  The movie is an SJW-hijacked croc, featuring one dimensional charicatures carefully chosen for their diversity value, rather than actual characters, and a plot and dialogue straight out of first year gender studies.

However, just like every good communist of the 20th century who thought that if they just killed another million, they could achieve a perfect socialist utopia, there are some purple-haired land whales in the 21st who believe the solution to the dog that was the Last Jedi is:

More diversity!

“The shoehorned diversity and feminist stuff in star wars doesn’t work because its written by white dudes who don’t understand either and are just guessing, which is why it comes off as pandering. if an actual diverse staff were hired to work with the writers and directors, or even do the writing/directing themselves, it would’ve worked better and felt more natural.”