The Most Important Lessons of The Trump Era May Very Well Come From The Decisions & Reactions of Those Who Hate Him


Those who helped stir up fear by recklessly labelling Trump and all Trump voters as Nazis or white supremacists [], aligned themselves through the decision to do so, with those who are hell-bent on their own destruction.

Decisions like this aid in the downgrade of all that is best about the West.

As most of you know I’ve been calling this out since I made my thoughts on this public on August 10, 2016. I’ve had to leave forums because of that and I’ve been unfriended, blocked and ridiculed for challenging the wave of dissonance and hypocrisy in the hate Trump/ love trumps hate movement:

Why Trump is Not Hitler & Why Evangelical Americans Are Not German Christian Movement

Why Social Justice Warriors Are The Brethren of Iscariot, Not Christ

In an article published on January 1st of this year, called ‘About That Trump Autocracy‘, the WSJ calls us to not forget the serious lessons of 2017:

“Democratic institutional norms are worth defending, which is why we called out the Obama IRS for bias against the Tea Party. We’ll do the same if Mr. Trump exceeds his constitutional power. But the lesson of the past year is that progressives should have more faith in the American system — whether they’re in power or not. Losing an election isn’t the same as losing a democracy.”

I agree with this. We need to celebrate our healthy traditions, not walk blindly with mobs that seek to undermine or destroy them. All the evidence needed to show how different Conservatives, allies to Conservatives, and Leftist modern liberals react to losing an election can be seen in the Republican candidate Roy Moore’s recent loss in Alabama.

There were no riots. No over-the-top claims and subsequently expensive investigations into fears of foreign interference. Conservatives did not organise nationwide marches, fly Antifascist-fascist flags and shout out an insanely ignorant praise of Communism as part of their protest against losing the election or against [mostly] phantom Nazis. What we did see is a lot of introspection, regrouping and the need to present better candidates in the future.

Losing an election is not the same as losing a democracy. Kudos to the Wall Street Journal for stepping up and saying so. Conservatives and those allied to the current concerns of Conservatives know this because they understand Classical Liberalism. They also see how dangerous the Leftist cult of modern liberalism is to truth, society and healthy tradition.

The lessons of late 2016 right throughout 2017 should not be ignored. If we are to ask ourselves, “Would Jesus approve of Trump as President?” We must also ask, “Would the same Jesus approve of the spite and venom thrown Trump’s way?”

The most important lessons of the Trump era may very well come from the decisions and reactions of those who hate Trump. Those who fund and celebrate the spite and venom, all while carrying sharpie coloured posters that preach love trumps hate.

Charles Spurgeon:

“…some two faced men are hypocrites by nature; slippery as eels, and piebald like Squire Smoothey’s mate. Like a drunken man, they could not walk straight if they were to try… They are born of the breed of Judas. The double shuffle is their favourite game, and honesty their greatest hatred. Honey is on their tongues, but gall in their hearts.’ (The Complete John Ploughman, p.115).

This article was originally published at