Joyce ruling could change everything in an instant


The High Court has issued its verdict on the dual-citizenship plight of National Party MP and leader Barnaby Joyce, declaring he was ineligible for office when elected. He now faces a by-election battle against the man whom everybody had hoped would just sod off and never bother anyone again, Tony Windsor.

While several senators have also been declared ineligible and a couple more have scraped in by the skin of their teeth, it is the ruling on Joyce which could change everything. If he loses his seat in the lower house, the Turnbull government will lose its majority. From there, the Liberal and National Coalition may be able to hang on to power, or it may not.

For conservatives, the concerns about what could occur in 18 months if Bill Shorten’s Labor as deeply unpopular as it is wins office, are potentially brought forward to the here and now. What will happen regarding the result of the national postal survey on same-sex marriage? We know Labor intend to legislate its legalisation if they win power, regardless of the poll result. Will there be enough time to build an effective argument that the will of the people should be respected if the “No” vote is successful?

Have the nationalist and genuine conservative parties, which have proliferated since the traitor Turnbull steered the Libs toward socialism, gained enough traction with the public and built enough political momentum to make a serious impact if Australians are forced to the polls in the very near future?

Electricity generators have been hesitant to invest in infrastructure such as new coal-fired power plants this past decade because of uncertainty created by the Carbon Tax, and we are paying for that now, with rolling blackouts expected across the country this summer. If Labor get back in, the deep-green insanity will return, and with it, a winter could well come far sooner than we expect.

Photo by Apple and Pear Australia Ltd