Hardcore Marxists Hijack Gay Lobby, Australian Media Silent


This Sunday September 10th at 1 pm outside Sydney Town Hall, a rally will be held in favour of gay marriage.

Posters have been put up all over the city’s universities urging students to attend. The vocal and well organised on-campus gay groups are rallying their troops, GetUp has sent out a call for support and about a half dozen Gay and lesbian groups including the Mardi Gras committee and the NSW Gay and Lesbian Rights Lobby have spread the word.

The media has been pretty quiet so far, but we can safely assume that on Sunday night’s news a minute or two will be dedicated to displaying the wonderful and joyous nature of this rainbow-flagged protest against discrimination and hate.

But what you won’t hear is who the organisers are.

Any student attending a university in Sydney will have seen posters for this event; they have gone up like wallpaper. The group named on the posters, the group doing the organising and who initiated this protest in the first place, goes by the acronym CAAH or Community Action Against Homophobia.

CAAH was founded in 1999 by left-wing extremists in order to shut down university campus meetings by a Catholic ministry group. Using threats of violence and intimidation, they succeeded in having the Christians removed from campus.

Cat Rose, hardcore marxist.

The two persons of contact for the rally are Cat Rose and Patrick Wright. Ms Rose is a prominent activist and member of Socialist Alternative, the largest, most violent and most radical political extremist group in Australia. She’s also a former National Union of Students Queer officer who made a splash in 2013 by condemning NUS office holders who took trips to Israel. Apparently both Homophobia AND Jews are bad.

As for Patrick Wright, he publicly burnt his ALP membership in 2013 because Kevin Rudd was too right-wing. He also gave a seminar at a Socialist Alliance Gay activist event in 2015 entitled “The Marxist Alternative to Privilege Theory”.

Both of them made the news together when they were acquitted of obscenity in a landmark case after being charged for leading chants of “F*CK FRED NILE” while disrupting a public meeting held by a Christian group.

They were also responsible for stacking the AGM of the Sydney Mardi Gras with Marxist activists so that a motion banning Malcolm Turnbull from the event could be carried in November of last year. Of course when they together managed to so publicly black the eye of the Prime Minister of Australia, finally the Australian media did a simple internet search and exposed their memberships and associations with the vilest anti-Australian extremist groups in the country today.

Just kidding, of course they didn’t.

They didn’t even notice that CAAH is linked to the Melbourne group “Equal Love” who notoriously attacked police and attendees at a Melbourne Australian Christian Lobby event in June. “Equal Love” is so extreme (including banners showing Tony Abbott being hanged) that other more mainstream gay groups including Australian Marriage Equality’s Rodney Croome have repeatedly spoken out publicly against their behaviour.

Ali Hogg, hardcore marxist.

And who runs Equal Love? A lovely lady named Ali Hogg, yet another member of the extremist Socialist Alternative and otherwise prominent for trying to stack the 2011 ALP national conference with Marxists and trying to attack then opposition leader Tony Abbott and The Australian’s Foreign editor Greg Sheridan in a café in Lygon Street in 2012.

But of course the media has exposed Ms Hogg for the extremist she is, right?

Well no. The Age did award her the title of the sixth most influential Melburnian in 2011, and a Gay newspaper named her THE most influential LGBTI Australian the same year, but that’s not exactly a ringing denunciation. No other media outlet when quoting Ms Hogg seems to have gone even as far as reading her Wikipedia page.

These people are Marxists, they are quite open about who they are and the ideals they hold. Despite the stench of a hundred million corpses, they consider Communism to be a good idea and want to give it another go to see if they can get it right this time.

They want to end freedom of speech, freedom of religion and freedom of assembly, they want to overthrow democracy and the constitution and abolish the nation state of Australia entirely. They have demonstrated over and over again that they are willing to advance their agenda by violence and intimidation and that they don’t believe the laws of Australia apply to them. They have built networks inside the education system, the legal system and the public service.

Every year, Socialist Alternative openly holds a conference in Melbourne that attracts over a thousand attendees. Every leftist protest, regardless of the cause, be it refugees, racism, university fees, climate change or gay marriage, is taken over by them using their superior organisation to crowd out any moderates.

Ever wonder why the people counter protesting Reclaim Australia rallies against Halal certification suddenly started chanting about Aboriginals for no logical reason? For them it’s all the same reason, all the same cause, the total destruction [or deconstruction as they call it] of the Australia we know and love so that they might build their nightmare paradise in its stead.

These extremists are the clearest threat to the ongoing stability of our society. Yet no-one in the media even bothers to do the barest of research to expose them and the ties they have to supposedly respectable mainstream institutions.

They’ve had it too good for too long. It’s time to lift up the rock and turn the searchlight on the crawling nasties underneath.

Help support XYZ in this struggle, donate or submit an article of your own. The mainstream media clearly isn’t up to the job; it’s up to us to do it for them.