Quote of the Day: Yassmin sucks again


Today’s Quote of the Day comes from the first sentence of this article in the Australian:

“The Turnbull government has not renewed Muslim activist Yassmin Abdel-Magied’s position as a board member of the Council of Australian-Arab relations.”

The Australian very helpfully reminded us all of what a delightful person is Abdel-Magied:

“Ms Abdel-Magied, an engineer and writer, moved to London last month.”

(The XYZ’s Zeitungsdunkel suggests that “graduate engineer” is more accurate.)

“In May the ABC axed Ms Abdel-Magied’s TV program Australia Wide, but said at the time that the move was part of a larger restructure, and unrelated to Ms Abdel-Magied’s controversial Anzac Day Facebook post: “Lest We Forget (Manus, Nauru, Syria, Palestine)”.

“Ms Abdel-Magied also sparked controversy in June when she declared Australia’s system of parliamentary democracy “doesn’t represent anyone” and generated outrage in February when she claimed Islam was “the most feminist religion” during an appearance on the ABC’s Q&A program.

“In November Ms Abdel-Magied went on a taxpayer-funded tour of some of the world’s most repressive Islamic regimes to promote her book about being a Sudanese-Egyptian Australian Muslim woman who wears the hijab.

“Despite visiting locations such as Sudan, where more than 90 per cent of women undergo forced genital mutilation and forced marriage is permissible, and Saudi Arabia, where women are flogged and stoned for adultery and not permitted to drive or leave the home without wearing a sleeveless, full-body covering, Ms Abdel Magied did not discuss the countries’ oppression of women during any of her appearances.”

Thankfully, she has not yet developed Waleed Aly’s expertise in the art of taqiyya.

As for her fate, we believe Peter Griffin said it best:

Hopefully, the Council of Australian-Arab relations can now get to the important work of retaking Constantinople.

Deus Vult.

It’s your XYZ.