This is a bit of old news, but that never stopped us here at The XYZ. The other day, Donald Trump got in trouble for paying a complement to Brigitte Macron, wife of French President Emmanuel Macron. He said, both to her and to her husband, that she was “in such great shape”.
Naturally, the world’s MSM went into hysterics. (See what I did there…)
Australia’s Foreign Minister, Julie Bishop, even got in on the act:
“Ms Bishop said she would be “taken aback” if Mr Trump said something similar to her.
“It’s a rather interesting comment to make. I wonder if she could say the same of him?” Ms Bishop told the ABC’s Insiders program.”
First Lady Brigitte Macron is 64, and 25 years older than Emmanuel. She met him when he, at 15, was her pupil, and she was a teacher of Latin, French, and drama; married; and a mother of three.
I cannot agree with Donald Trump on this one. I find her hideous.
Photo by Anja Disseldorp