Watersportsgate – the Trolling of Buzzfeed and CNN


The Alt-Right has been described as many things by the mainstream media, and is made out to be an all-encompassing Fifth Column bogeyman that will bring about a speedy end to Western Civilisation (a rather ironic charge, given that most of those who make it seem to be of the ilk that usually welcomes a speedy end to Western Civilisation). It is not. The Alt-Right is not everyone who merely disagrees with the left. It is not Brietbart. It is not all of the people who voted for Brexit, or Trump, or One Nation. Most XYZ visitors don’t identify as bona fide Alt-Right (not that there’s anything wrong with that, to quote Seinfeld). I suspect most contributors don’t either. I’m sure some of you reading aren’t even entirely sure what it is. We mustn’t allow the MSM to push their false narrative.

What the Alt-Right does seem to be, for the most part, are mischievous trolls more preoccupied by s—stirring the perpetually outraged than anything resembling earnest white supremacist tendencies. The fake MSM have made a habit of referring to Richard Spencer as a poster boy for the Alt-Right. But that’s a little like suggesting that the guys behind the Enron scandal are poster boys for a friend who borrowed five bucks off you and still hasn’t paid it back.

The Alt-Right giggled like school girls when Hillary Clinton personally addressed them
during the dying days of her campaign. It was their finest hour up until that point. They had successfully triggered an old lady and pushed her over the edge. They did it for the lulz and it was simultaneously perplexing and hilarious for the rest of us.

So the irony is that the nucleus of the Alt-Right, the heart of it, really isn’t that big of a deal in the scheme of things. Certainly not that big of a deal that a presidential candidate should be prioritising them over things like the economy and health in one of the most crucial campaigns in history. We at XYZ were dumbfounded that Hillary, and by proxy the Clinton News Network, were essentially devoting airtime to a bunch of kids who are really no different to kids posturing on Game of Thrones or Star Trek message boards, except for the fact that their riffing is an Aspergers-like obsession over easily triggered celebrities and social justice warriors, and tasteless holocaust memes rather than the politics of the Iron Throne or the minutiae of Romulan culture.

That’s it. That’s all that’s involved. It should be a subculture that’s easy enough to grasp for the mainstream media, let alone a woman who could have been President if only she’d chosen to think analytically and without emotion. Unfortunately the Regressive Left have proven time and time again that they are incapable of doing this. Instead of simply ignoring the Alt-Right while the adults were speaking, they handed them a microphone and gave them a platform. They fed the trolls.

When Hillary addressed the Alt-Right directly, anyone with a shred of awareness about the way the world works saw her as an old lady stomping out a flaming bag of dogs— on her doorstep. Every trollish Alt-Righter on the planet said to themselves “now it’s on, motherf—er…”. That single event was virtually the Normandy landing of the Great Meme War that, like the Bloody Mary urban legend, actually conjured genuine political power for the lurkers at 4Chan.

Now it appears that the prevailing ignorance of the MSM toward the Alt-Right may just have aligned the stars for perhaps the most spectacularly simple yet effective trolling the 4Chan crowd (the Navy Seals, or S.A.S of the Alt-Right if you will) have accomplished to date. Dubious pop culture skewed news site Buzzfeed broke the story that could have been dubbed ‘Watersportsgate‘.

Their evidence? This ‘leaked’ (pardon the pun) report that appears convincing until you actually bother to read it with a critical eye. No buts about it, it sounds ridiculous. It’s a cliché Bond villain story seasoned with pagan and occultist insinuations. Exactly the kind of thing a cheeky 4Chan Alt-Righter would hastily cobble together for the lulz. In the account, Trump ritualistically desecrates the bed of his predecessor in an elaborate urinary baptism ceremony involving Russian hookers. The only thing missing is a quick incantation to Kek, the deity associated with darkness and chaos that has been featured in many an Alt-Right meme. But maybe the troll erred on the side of caution.

Buzzfeed ran with it without erring on the side of caution. They were closely followed by CNN and others. You know that the MSM are desperate, unscrupulous, and prone to reckless emotional behaviour when the troll that conceived the document shows more professionalism and restraint than media who are reporting upon it.

The story has quickly been debunked. Embarrassingly so by the President-Elect, who instead of capitulating and giving the press a free pass on their baseless slander like EVERY OTHER CONSERVATIVE POLITICIAN EVER, actually gave them an epic dressing down that must be seen to be believed.

As for the Alt-Righter who orchestrated this elaborate hoax? One can only imagine that right now they’re giving thanks to Kek and praying to the Egyptian deity for inspiration as they plan their next cunning press release to be presented by CNN, SMH, and others as ‘Real News’.

It’s your XYZ.