The Social Justice Effect

Photo by nathanmac87

One of the silliest and most factually incorrect concepts perpetuated by the mainstream media is the oft-touted ‘Trump Effect’. I’m sure you’ve heard of it by now. Recent examples of this darling concept of the msm can be found here, here, and here. The ‘Trump Effect’ apparently occurs when a ‘loud, uncouth, and especially racist’ candidate materialises seemingly out of nowhere for no particular reason and instantly radicalises previously normal voters as similarly ‘loud, uncouth, and especially racist’.

Some of the milder anti-Trump protests.

‘The Trump Effect’ is always reported upon in hushed submissive tones as if it were an unpredictable force of nature with no explanation. ‘The Trump Effect’ is spoken of in awe like one would describe an earthquake or a flood, usually with no attempt whatsoever to analyse why it happened. If the MSM were to report upon the collapse of a derelict house that had been abandoned for decades without any maintenance in the same manner, they would no doubt blame the ‘termite effect’ without considering the conditions that led to the decay and allowed the termites to prosper when the building was already beyond repair. The termites are not the cause, just a visible and inevitable result of decades of rot setting in. Nature’s way of dealing with a building that is irreparably damaged. A familiar scenario to the response we saw to a broken two-party system in the U.S. in November.

When political correctness in Australia was at its most maddening, before a Trump Presidency was even floated as a possibility, a very wise centrist friend shared some sage words of wisdom with me:

Trump protest photo
Not so mild. Photo by nathanmac87

“Do these people realise what they’re doing?” he asked me in disbelief. “Do they realise that if they keep nagging at ordinary apolitical people and picking fights with them 24/7, inventing outrage, and marginalising the masses in order to help those they see as marginalised, that the end result will be the emergence of very real skinheads and possibly even a tortured artist in a cell ready to take full advantage of the situation to make things genuinely horrible for the people they pretend to care about?”

Fortunately the push-back occurred before we reached peak-level insanity. The free world lucked out with Donald Trump as its leader, a guy who is merely old school and a bit non-PC, rather than what may have happened in five or ten years had he not arrived on the scene. He essentially prevented the emergence of a leader who could well have fulfilled the textbook definition of being a legitimate far-right despot.

Unfortunately, most of the mainstream media have become so mired and invested in identity politics and Regressive Left groupthink that they have failed to recognise the very simple and straightforward concept of the pendulum effect, or the theory of relativity (as sound in the theatre of public sentiment as they are in the realm of physics). A pendulum swung too far one way will come swinging back the other way. What goes up must inevitably come down. Left-wing ideology inevitably suffers from the same weakness as any other religion or ideology: it steadfastly refuses to acknowledge any form of scientific fact that contradicts or invalidates its dogma.

The Regressive Left doctrine is almost solely responsible for Donald Trump, whether they care to admit it or not. In nations where we’ve seen Regressive Left dogma reach dizzying heights of stupidity, the pendulum effect has been far more extreme and pronounced. When your demands are unreasonable, logic dictates that the reaction will be similarly unreasonable. The prediction of my centrist friend has now come to pass, in Sweden, of all places. It isn’t entirely unreasonable to relabel the Pendulum Effect that the MSM are misinterpreting as the ‘Trump Effect’ more accurately as the ‘Social Justice Effect’.

Photo by Elvert Barnes