Tim Blair Nails It as Peter FitzSimons is Left as Red-Faced as His Bandana

Although there is no audio attached to this image, it is reasonably safe to assume that he is virtue signalling in some form.

If there’s one great thing (and only one great thing) about the Regressive Left, it’s that they leave themselves so little wriggle room in their lack of nuance or context that it can literally be the end of them if they make an unforgivable transgression. Those on the right can refuse to play ball when the left demands contrition (which is always closely followed by the end of one’s career and public life). As long as you’re steadfast and have the courage in your conviction, you’ll be fine.

Your average Cultural Marxist commentator moralises and virtue-signals so fiercely and frequently that there’s simply no getting out of even a relatively innocuous slip of the tongue when the angry SJW mob comes baying for blood. Tim Blair, one of the good eggs of mainstream media, shines a light on one such transgression in the Daily Telegraph today.

Although there is no audio attached to this image, it is reasonably safe to assume that he is virtue signalling in some form.
Although there is no audio attached to this image, it is reasonably safe to assume that he is virtue signalling in some form.

This could well ruin our bandana-wearing paragon of virtue signalling. Normally I abhor the practice of someone having their life destroyed over an innocent throwaway comment, but FitzSimons has moralised for so long and so irritatingly about this sort of thing that it is going to be kind of amusing to watch the snake eat its own tail.

The most offensive thing you can call a leftist also happens to be the most offensive thing you can call a conservative: racist. And by the (admittedly sketchy) rules FitzSimons has so carefully laid out, guess what? He’s very much a racist without a doubt, and will soon learn that his piranha-like ideological comrades are fair-weather friends until they smell a drop of blood in the water.

It’s your XYZ.

Photo by Mosman Library

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Eh?nonymous was a thoroughly repellent unemployed social justice warrior until a one in a million glitch in his Facebook account affected the algorithms in his news feed, omitting posts from his much loved left leaning Huffington Post and I F---ing Love Science, and inexplicably replacing them with centrist and conservative newsfeed items that slowly dragged him kicking and screaming into the light beyond the safe space that Mr. Zuckerberg had so carefully constructed for him. It’s a long road to recovery, but every Mark Steyn share he sees in his newsfeed is like another day clean from social justice addiction.