Crooked Hillary Facebook Page Presents the Case that She is Unfit to be President


I’d advise you all to like Hillary Clinton’s Facebook page. It’s an endless source of amusement. Not only do the almost complete lack of positive comments beneath every post more clearly gauge public sentiment toward her than any salted mine of a mainstream media poll, but her Facebook campaign team sometimes seem to be actively trolling the boss (at least subconsciously).

Check out this recent post regarding the latest ‘campaign ending’ non-story from the Cultural Marxists at who always clutch their pearls at the first whisper of racism, sexism, or Islamophobia, yet inexplicably have gone all in behind the candidate who won’t acknowledge the existence of her deadbeat husband’s black son, intimidated her p***yhound husband’s female victims, and has presided over more Muslims dying than Richard the Lionheart.


The charges the Clinton campaign make are hilarious, and read a bit like the guys who pulled off the Lufthansa Heist virtue scolding a kid who just got busted swiping a pack of gum:

1. Donald Trump has a secret server (yes Donald Trump).

A clear cut case of pot-kettle. And presumably his secret server isn’t the conduit for classified material. If he becomes Commander in Chief, this may be an issue. But it isn’t like he’s Secretary of State or anything…

2.It was set up to communicate with a Putin tied Russian Bank.

Big deal. He’s a businessman. Businessmen deal with banks. He isn’t blatantly trading money directly with foreign governments in return for favours domestically. At least not yet.

3. When a Reporter asked about it, they shut it down.

Really? This seems serious until you consider that Clinton was subpoenaed, and deleted tens of thousands of emails after she was subpoenaed. Who cares if someone snubs a reporter? They aren’t the law, and at this stage of the election, aren’t even impartial.

4. One week later, they created a new server with a different name for the same purpose.

Again, Hillary is in no position to point fingers at the validity of email servers. Apparently it was at least more secure than hers. There hasn’t exactly been a dump of incriminating emails from this secret Trump server yet, so it seems he was more careful about keeping his Trend Micro up to date by buying the deluxe version, unlike Hillary who seems to have gone with the crappy free version.

So all in all, the Clinton Facebook admins make a pretty compelling case for the inadequacy of one of the candidates to be President. Unfortunately for them as we read the checklist, Hillary is the one we all have in mind, because she checks off all the boxes.

It’s your XYZ.