The main reason you should be terrified of the Left


To my detriment I’ve had quite a lot to do with various teachers, academics, lawyers, social workers and other members of the cognoscenti in social settings over the years.

I think only one admitted to voting ALP and she was a union organiser; the rest if anything made the Greens look like moderates.

It may have been the inner city Melbourne milieu in which I was then saturated, but it struck me at the time that the attitude of those who consider themselves betters to the general population upon whom they rely, was at best condescension and more commonly outright contempt.

In short, they hate you.

But the fact that the people who rule over us, decide our laws for us, “report” the news for us, teach our children about the world, train our senior police and military commanders, and make serious decisions about the direction of our country and its culture despise you and everyone like you, isn’t the scary part.

Oh it’s so much worse than that.

Recently over in the far flung corner of the Commonwealth that is Perth, a perfect example occurred of why the left in general and the Greens in particular should scare seven shades of something out of anyone with their eyes open.

First, a Lesbian got more upset than normal:

Perth gay woman saddened by anti-marriage bumper stickers outside Royal Show

“A young gay woman directing traffic at the Royal Show is distraught after someone posted anti-marriage equality stickers on the signs she was standing in front of.

“Jasmine Andersen shared a picture of a massive sticker with the words “keep marriage man and woman”, on a sign where she was directing traffic on Second Avenue outside the show.”

Firstly, check out that Orwellian headline, a sticker promoting marriage is now “anti-marriage”.

Speech Impediment DisorderBut better is yet to come:

“Does anyone by any chance know who is responsible for this hatred?,” she said.

“I’d love to speak to them.”

Note the implied threat and definition of disagreement as “hatred”.

So far so normal, a leftist journalist got a leftist talking point in his Facebook feed and decided to write a story about it.

Remember when journalists used to actually go outside and find things out? Did that ever actually happen or am I dreaming it?

Once upon a time I used to be convinced that leftist journalists were wilfully ignorant; the more of them I meet the more I realise that for the most part, the average Aussie journo is just lazy and dumb.

But now for the meat; this embarrassment of a reporter went to his local Greens Senator and used up half his article reprinting her press release:

“Perth-based Greens senator Rachel Siewert said the anti-marriage equality sticker showed how damaging a plebiscite on gay marriage can be before it has even begun.

“The Greens passionately oppose a Turnbull government plebiscite on same-sex marriage, arguing people’s rights should not be subject to a popular vote that could unleash homophobia and hatred…

“….This is a disgraceful example of how the plebiscite can be hurtful before it has even begun.

“Advocates for the plebiscite say that debate would be civil, but this is a debate that argues the rights of a marginalised group who are asking for equal rights. Hurtful materials being distributed already removes any argument that a genuine civil debate can occur.”

Out of a three hundred word article almost one hundred and eighty were written by a Greens Senator.

But for a reader of XYZ, the fact that the average Australian journalist licks the boots of the most extreme political party in the Australian Parliament is not particularly shocking.

That Leftists want to use the theoretical feelings of theoretical people to shut down any chance of a plebiscite is not shocking either.

And it’s only a little shocking that disagreeing with gay marriage is now “hate speech”.

Anyone who has paid any attention to the left, to the hilariously named “Human Rights Commission”, to the Racial Discrimination Act or to our well compensated and even more hilariously named Racial Discrimination Commissar Tim Soudidlymithingamibob, knows what the left means by “hate speech”.

“Hate speech” means anyone who dares enunciate thoughts leftists disagree with, have none of the rights of polite society.

In the eyes of the Greens and the wider establishment left, it is entirely morally acceptable to track down those guilty of “hate speech”, attack you in the street with iron bars, get you fired from your job, ruin your career, stop your promotion, impoverish your family and threaten those around you until you become a social pariah.

And after that, take you to court to strip you of your assets or even put you in jail.

But we haven’t even gotten to the truly terrifying part yet:

“I think that there are some important things from our past that need to continue to be part of our present and part of our future,” she said. “If I was in a different walk of life….that I think for our culture, for our heritage, the Marriage Act and marriage being between a man and a woman has a special status.”

Who said the above hateful hate speech just five years ago?

Prime Minister Juila Gillard.

But she wasn’t alone:

“When it comes to the Marriage Act, that is the responsibility of the Federal Parliament,” And the Marriage Act relates to a union between a man and a woman, and that remains….as it has been into the past and as it will remain into the future.”

That’s Prime Minister Kevin Rudd just nine years ago.

And most hilariously of all:

“On the issue of marriage, I think the reality is there is a cultural, religious and historical view around that which we have to respect.”

”The party’s position is very clear and that is an institution between a man a woman.”

That’s ALP Senator and Lesbian “mother” Penny Wong in 2010.

And this is what is terrifying.

What was perfectly acceptable to be spoken in public just five and ten years ago by two of our country’s most Leftist Prime Ministers is now completely forbidden.

Even the very idea of having a vote on the subject has been denounced by almost every journalist across the majority of media in the country.

Even the few journalists who support a vote dare not argue the case against Gay Marriage too strenuously.

Within five years, what was once a debate between the far left and the extreme left has become a mandatory belief in polite society.

Even supposedly “Conservative” faction Liberal Party MP’s like the increasingly execrable Josh Frydenberg are suddenly discovering that they supported Gay Marriage all along.

And this is why you should be scared. The left, despite their pretentions of moral superiority, have no morality at all. To have morality one must have a moral code, an ideal that has at least some basis in philosophy or reality.

What the left denounces today they will support tomorrow, today’s certainty is tomorrow’s embarrassing faux pas.

The leftist dinner parties I once attended were exercises in crippling anxiety with each highly educated guest attempting to push the boundaries of what it was acceptable to believe this week. Each one trying furiously to agree with everyone else, each one terrified of being the person who had fallen marginally behind this week’s correct opinion.

It’s status signalling amongst the elites of course, but so much more than that.

They call themselves “Progressive” but since the fall of the Soviet Union most of the left have no conception of where they want to “Progress” to.

Their only ideology is Nihilism; everything must change for the sake of change itself, everything must be destroyed and remade and destroyed again.

Because they have no anchor in themselves, not to faith, not to race, not to culture or country, then all these things must die. To fill the hole inside their hearts, the void inside their souls, everything that everyone else values must be ground to dust.

Some people have described this attitude as an immature “F— you Dad!” knee-jerk response of spoiled children who never grew up, but it’s more than that.

They are the elites of nothingness; the sneering Gnostic snobs who in their minds have discovered the truth of the impermanence of the universe, and so inhabit an exalted plane above the plebs stupid enough to still find things within this world worth cherishing.

And these people educate your children, they educate the people who educate your children, they judge your legal cases, they create your case law, they decide whose kids get taken away from their parents, they run the HR departments at your company and they decide what news gets reported and what news doesn’t. Above all they decide what you are and are not allowed to say.

And the system they’ve set up ensures that every new generation is educated to think more like them.

And as XYZ’s Adam Piggott pointed out,  a majority of the “Conservatives” you rely on to protect you from these people are incompetent, cowardly, weak fools more interested in feeling good about themselves than doing anything to save what remains of our society.

THAT is why you should be terrified.

Because it’s terrifying.

Photo by Photo Extremist