Go Sonia!

Source: youtube.com

Sonia Kruger, co-host of Channel 9’s Today show, is rapidly becoming a champion of freedom of speech and basic common sense. She shot to fame recently when she expressed concerns about Islamic terrorism and immigration on Today’s Mixed Grill slot.

On this morning’s show, Kruger questioned a recent move by the Australian Business and Community Network Scholarship Foundation’s to offer financial and mentoring scholarships, worth up to $7,000 over three years, to high-school students who identify as gay, lesbian and transgender.

Kruger stated:

“It sort of feels like reverse discrimination to me, in a way,” she said. “To ask a student if they identify as lesbian, gay or bisexual, you’re asking somebody about their sexual preferences, and I find that that’s a really odd thing to do in any capacity, whether it’s a job or…

“I don’t think it should have anything to do with the awarding of a scholarship,” Kruger added. “I think scholarships should be given on merit.”

Hear hear.

Scholarships ought to be offered on the basis of merit. It is ridiculous, and frankly discriminatory, to offer scholarships to certain preferred groups over and above others. They have a name for that kind of discriminatory behaviour: Apartheid. Such actions simply institutionalise “privilege” and preferred classes of people which the champions of PC claim to deplore.
Well done, Sonia! Keep speaking truth to power!