Dear Kevin: Suck It


Last week, Australia narrowly avoided inflicting one of its own darker periods on the rest of the world. Having initially planned to back Kevin Rudd’s bid for Secretary General of the United Nations, PM Malcolm Turnbull was soon forced to renègue once it became apparent that Rudd was not held in high esteem by Australians, nor by a significant portion of Liberal MPs.

The XYZ’s Lucas Rosas put it very well:

“They wanted to give an official endorsement for the post, sometimes referred to as the world’s chief diplomat, to a man so disagreeable he throws temper tantrums at female air force staff because of a lack of cheese.

“They wanted a man put in a position of influence over international refugee agencies, who opened Australia’s border to people smuggler rackets that led to over a thousand drowned bodies of men, women and children. Not to mention the billions of taxpayer dollars wasted even to this day.

“A supposedly conservative Prime Minister was going to support handing the reins of a giant global busy-body to the man who is almost single-handedly responsible for the fact that our country will likely never have a budget surplus again.”

Now that international embarrassment (and perhaps disaster) has been averted, it is time for us all to bury Rudd in the manner every narcissist of his ilk hates – laughter.  While some have suggested that perhaps sending Rudd to destroy the despot-controlled UN with his signature micromanaging may have actually been a good thing, we prefer to revel in the fact that we have been able to take away one of Kevin’s nice things.