Burka Ban Proposed in Germany


By Ezra Christensen

Germany’s Interior Minister, Thomas de Maiziere, is backing plans to ban the burka as part of a suite of anti-terror measures, reports from local media and the BBC stated.

These proposed new security measures have come after a raft of Islamic terror attacks which have engulfed parts of Germany, France and Belgium this year.

Burka bans are already in place in other parts of Europe, notably France, Belgium and some localities in Italy.

While governments should generally have no right to restrict the dress choices of their population (regardless of negative perceptions), clothing such as the burka which conceals one’s face and identity introduces very real security risks that must be taken seriously.

For obvious reasons, balaclavas, ski masks and motorcycle helmets are generally prohibited from being worn in banks and state buildings, while Islamic face coverings such as the burka have generally been allowed.

Do you support the proposed burka ban in Germany, and would you like to see such measures taken in your locality? Let us know what you think in the comments section below.


Photo by justin